Policy Commissions

Join the Environment policy commission

Left Unity's Environment policy commission is set to begin developing policy - get involved. Read more »

Health Policy Commission draft

Draft statement of the Left Unity Health Policy Commission – February 2014 This is the latest draft document produced by the Health Policy Commission. Our aim has been to produce a statement which begins to address the social determinants of health as well as beginning to outline the necessary principles for our health system.  We […] Read more »

Anti-Racism Commission draft

Draft document for policy conference March 2014 Britain’s new racism 1. There has been a dangerous upsurge in racism in Britain in approximately the last decade, most recently compounded by the Woolwich killing. This has included a rise in racist attacks on the Muslim community, the rise (and subsequent fall) of the English Defence League, the […] Read more »

Economics Policy Commission draft

Draft document for policy conference March 2014 (As amended at Policy Commission on 01.03.14) Introduction – The Economic Context The global financial crisis which erupted in 2008 triggered the worst economic slump in many economies since the early 1930s. Six years on output had still not recovered to its previous peak in much of Europe, […] Read more »

Equalities policy commission draft statement

  This version of our draft statement has been put together by Merry Cross and Terry Conway following commission meetings and comments from commission members. We think we need to discuss and develop it much further both in the commission and more broadly in Left Unity. We, rather than the commission  as a whole take […] Read more »

Constitution working Draft 5

Friends, This new draft of the working constitution is the one which will debated on Saturday in Manchester. We have asked for their to be two sessions as this is such a crucial part of the founding conference in November. We will now start at 13:15 and end at 17:00 with a fifteen minutes break […] Read more »

Identifying what divides us prior to September

Internal democracy and constitution Commission Yet more controversy! Hi all Who said party rules and constitutions are boring!?! We now have two alternative draft constitutions on the table Working Draft 4 – initially drafted by ourselves and heavily amended in the light of the many comments and contributions (we will be incorporating current comments shortly […] Read more »

Constitution – Sean’s revised 2nd draft

In response to some to the comments posted by comrades, in particular  by Richard and Geoff, this revision of my version of the draft constitution contains a number of alterations.  The most significant are as follows:  I have inserted ‘radical’ and deleted ‘of the means of production distribution and exchange’ (sob) in section 2 (aims).  I […] Read more »

Sean Thompson’s alternative draft constitution

This draft constitution is based on the earlier one drawn up by Richard and James.  I started out by writing a very long list of amendments to their July iteration, but I found that it became virtually impossible to follow the sense of what was being proposed because of the length and complexity of the […] Read more »

Constitution working draft 4

DETAILED CONSIDERATION OF WORKING DRAFT 4 Welcome back to the Internal democracy constitution. Following the various comments on the website and on Working Draft 3, we are presenting a Working Draft 4.. This draft has attempted to address some of the controversies that have arisen. We will be posting a document separately listing all the main […] Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

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