Policy Commissions

Constitutional Commission – Towards September and November Conferences

The debate around the working draft has gone on for a few weeks now and produced some useful ideas and points. Firstly, thank you for all the kind words and positive comments on the draft. As you will appreciate drawing it up as convenors was a difficult and time consuming task and the issues involved […] Read more »

Machines should benefit us all, not just bosses

Joe Lo, from Haringey Left Unity, discusses the issue of machinery and argues for economic democracy. The premise that machines are taking over the world has been common in science fiction for decades. Bladerunner, Doctor Who, I Robot, Artificial Intelligence. The list is endless. Like all good science fiction premises however these films exaggerate a […] Read more »

Left Unity anti-racist workgroup launched

We would like to invite you to participate in the anti-racist workgroup recently launched by Left Unity, say Ishan Cader and Luke Cooper. Its remit is to develop policies for concrete anti-racist struggles for a new party to the left of Labour: not simply ‘in the abstract,’ but as practical proposals for campaigning to tackle […] Read more »

Abolish the policy commissions!

Mark Boothroyd is the Left Unity organiser for Southwark. As an activist committed to the Left Unity project, I have to voice my concerns and propose some radical measures in order to stop this entire exercise, which is so promising and could be so much, becoming diverted down a path which could lead to a […] Read more »

Detailed consideration of draft constitution (working document 3)

  Welcome to the 4th posting of the Internal Democracy and Constitution Policy Commission. Following discussions, suggestions and amendments in earlier drafts a working document has emerged and is reproduced below. IT IS NOT A FINAL DOCUMENT AND NO DOUBT WILL BE CHANGED FURTHER. The purpose of this discussion is to look at this draft […] Read more »

Welcome back to the policy commission on internal democracy – Strands 2 and 3

Please find below some draft proposals for this strand on: Strands 2 and 3 – Structures and leadership What organisational structure should operate at- – local group level – English regional/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish – national leadership level? What would we call these various tiers and how should people who sit on them be chosen? If we […] Read more »

Internal Democracy and Constitutional Commission | Strand 1 Basic Priniples

Strand 1 – Basic principles What should be the aims of the party? Who can be a member and what would members be expected to commit to? Should LU be a one member one vote party? (Affiliations and factions to be discussed in later stands.)   Some discussion has already taken place. On the basis […] Read more »

Welcome to Left Unity’s Policy Commission on internal democracy, party structure and constitution

This forum exists to discuss how a new radical party of the left could, should and will organise itself. It is open to all people who are interested in ensuring that Left Unity learns the lessons (both good and bad) from the way the socialist, labour, trade union and and green movements have organised and […] Read more »

Health Policy Commission

Health Policy Commission Continues its’ Work Duncan Parker is the convenor for the Health policy commission. This is a renewed call out for any Left Unity activists who wish to get involved in the Health Policy Commission. The aim of the policy commission is to continue to develop principles for the sort of wider healthcare […] Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 21st September: National March for Palestine at Labour Party Conference

End the Genocide in Gaza: Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon at St George’s Plateau (outside Liverpool Lime Street Station)

More details here

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Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

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