Video: Michael Gove has a go at Left Unity

Left Unity occupied the foyer of the Department for Education recently – and it seems we made an impression on Michael Gove


13 responses to “Video: Michael Gove has a go at Left Unity”

  1. John Tummon says:

    What a manipulative, lying piece of slanderous propaganda about us, that provoked a ‘haw, haw’ nod or two from his media admirers, each of them raised on neoliberal ‘truth’ over these past 3 decades. I am not a Trotskyist and neither are the majority of us in Left Unity.

    We need to find ways of getting ourselves in the faces of these politicians and media flunkies to stick some truth up their starched shirts and show that we are not their stereotyped straw men. Salman Shaheen did exactly that when Andrew O’Neill consulted his hackneyed research notes on ‘how to mock a Lefty’.

    We need our 4 speakers out there more doing the job we elected them for. Whose job is it to be on the ‘phone setting up media interviews for us?

  2. Benjamin Black says:

    Be pleased that he thought it worthwhile name-checking Left Unity and then laying into Left Unity. Of course, somebody as right-wing as Michael Gove, speaking to of all groups Policy Exchange, is going to lie and smear. Not everybody in the country believes Michael Gove.

    This being said, Left Unity does need, as stated above, its speakers to speak-up. They should be finding all ways of getting the messages and the rebuttals out there.

    • Patrick D. says:

      If he feels the need to hit out at LU, then things are going in the right direction.

  3. Paul Ashworth says:

    Smug arse hole – you are not kidding!

  4. Gordon Tracey says:

    Why not drop the word – left? Unity?

  5. Hillel Fridman says:

    Gove and May have been jockeying for position to replace Cameron as leader. This is what the investigations into Birmingham schools is all about. So thousands of young muslim children are being used as innocent pawns in this racist game. No one should be surprised he would mispronounce Left Unity politically. Gove is all about traditional innocent British nationalism that is why he literally wants to white wash history via his alterations to the curriculum.

  6. Mervyn Hyde says:

    People should be reminded of Goves extreme right wing connections namely Atlantic Bridge:

    This nice little charmer has some very nasty connections.

  7. Mick Piggott says:

    Michael Gove really is such a contemptible little shit. Does he know that Cameron and his smug public-school toff mates call him ‘the little oik’?

  8. Betty Elzea says:

    Vote ’em out – that’s the only answer.

  9. Jon Mackeen says:

    I’m proud to be a member of LU. As for “GOVE” he is a lying smug arse hole, sorry he’s not fit to be an arse hole!

  10. Ian says:

    Let’s get this smug git! ANY IDEAS ANYONE?

  11. Steve Wallis says:

    Criticisms of our name come up from time to time, with Gordon Tracey above being the latest. Being the person who proposed keeping it from the provisional name put forward by the founders, I’d like to defend the name. The following was the resolution, spoken to at the founding conference by another member of my branch, Manchester, Alison Treacher (now in Stockport branch):

    LU has name recognition (over 10,000 signed the appeal), we want to unite most of the left (not be another of the “57 varieties” of left-wing organisation), the word “party” is unpopular particularly among young people, and with no obvious drawbacks, Left Unity should be kept as our name.

    Of course no name is perfect; I may have preferred Socialist Unity (since it isn’t always clear that we’re a broad socialist party) but that’s the site run by a prospective Labour Party candidate (Andy Newman), who actually cooperated with the SWP in closing down the Socialist Alliance – I guess that’s the sort of “unity” that would amuse Gove!

    There’s the old phrase “Any publicity is good publicity”. I wouldn’t go that far, but being attacked by someone as hated as Michael Gove probably is!

  12. Robert says:

    I think the name and the ideology is perfect, you can change the name and somebody will moan, nice to see real lefties talking these days not to many around.

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