Refugees are not trying to ‘break in’, they are seeking safety

A Left Unity press release.

Responding to David Cameron’s speech on refugees today, Left Unity’s Felicity Dowling said:

“Cameron’s use of jingoistic language shows he has learned not one lesson from the world wars.

“He talks about ‘swarms’ trying to ‘break in’ to Britain while the reality is refugees from war drowning in the Mediterranean.

“If he had been in charge in the 1940s, not one Jewish person would have been able to escape to Britain.

“War is raging across the Middle East – and this government bears a heavy responsibility for those wars. Much poorer countries are taking in dozens of times more refugees than Britain.

“We should welcome the people stranded in Calais, and work for peace and economic security across the globe. Invest the wealth of the 1% rebuilding the countries that have suffered from this system.”

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