Left Unity’s National Conference took place on Saturday 29th March in Manchester. A full conference report will be available shortly.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
More details here
Sign up to the Left Unity email newsletter.
Get the latest Left Unity resources.
I have every intention of attending the Manchester Conference. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts in communicating with any local group or individual member of Left Unity, in Liverpool. This has been, and is, a disappointment.
I would like to either establish a local group, or to actively engage in the consolidation of any existing local group. Do you have any suggestions?
I can offer two seats to and from the conference to any members who want to attend.
Best wishes,
Hi Roger, have you tried going to the Liverpool Left Unity website
Roger I have emailed you to no effect text us on 07864968185
Hi Roger sad to ear you have had no response from the Liverpool branch We are in the process of reorganizing the branch ,however.there is a meeting 25th feb 7.0 pm at the Unite Offices Liverpool.please contact me Bob Walker.e-mail rwalker8@live .co.uk. for any other info.thank you
The anti-racist commission document is actually the health commission document replicated by mistake.
Cheers Nick updated.
What you call yourselves – your brand name – is important. Big mistake using ‘Left Unity’, or ‘Left anything’. Urge you not to paint yourselves into a Left-labelled corner, it limits your appeal. Pick something more attractive.
Nice to hear about you. What you need most is wider publicity. I despair of the state of the press/media today – fully bought and paid-for by capitalist tycoons or the state. Where will you find a venue, other than by starting your own? Good Luck!
Whilst I realise that in-fighting will occur within leftist factions, I cannot help in feeling a glimmer of excitement and hope because there are people out there who are widely in agreement with my own views and aspirations for the country. I wonder how long it will take to rid ourselves of this disenfranchisement and at least make a brave attempt at electing someone who isn’t scared of using the term ‘socialist’. I really want my vote to be used effectively!
Very interested in Preston Lancs emailed contact nothing anybody help?
Try the Bolton or Manchester Emails – and they will be able to put you in touch.