Europe is plunging deeper and deeper into crisis. Its governments are continuing with their failed austerity policies which are destroying the social and economic gains working people have made over many decades.
The economic crisis has increasingly become a social and political crisis as people face poverty, hunger and even death, as a result of the catastrophic and government-imposed failure of health systems and social services.
However the people of Europe are fighting back. On November 14th millions took to the streets to oppose these policies and throughout southern Europe there were general strikes. The task of the hour is to give adequate political expression to this new movement. In Greece, France, Germany and elsewhere, new political formations have emerged, drawing together a range of left forces, challenging the capitulation of social democracy to neo-liberalism. Here in Britain, a successful response to the rightwards move of Labour has not yet taken place, yet we have equal need of a new political formation which rejects austerity and war, advocates a greater democratisation of our society and institutions, and poses a new way of organising everyday life.
The need for cooperation amongst those forces which seek to bring change to our society is vital, to enable us to overcome the obstacles of the first-past-the-post electoral system. The need for unity is paramount as attacks on the living and working conditions of ordinary people intensify, and the very fabric of our welfare state is being destroyed. We need to open a dialogue of the left, as a matter of urgency, to ensure that we do not remain outside of these developments.
A coalition for change is necessary. We call on all those willing to tread this path to support this Appeal, so that this essential discussion can begin.
The task is urgent and the time short.
Kate Hudson and Andrew Burgin
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
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Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
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