The LGBTQ movement is an essential part of any liberation struggle. Together with the feminist, Black and Minority Ethnic and disability movements, it must be integral to any new radical and socialist party.
The LGBTQ community has regularly been involved in the struggle against capitalist and patriarchal structures from the Stonewall riot in the 60s to the campaign against Section 28 in the UK. The fight for proper treatment of those with HIV led by Act Up in the US and the Treatment Action Committee in South Africa as an integral part of the LGBTQ movement has also been an important contribution.
Recent material from UNITE , UNISON and the TUC have demonstrated how the LGBTQ community in Britain has been affected by the cuts and the austerity agenda. Many young LGBTQ people still have to leave home because of homophobia or transphobia, are increasingly homeless and jobless, subject to this government’s relentless attacks on the poor and the young. And increasingly the HIV support networks and treatment centres which many gay men in particular depend on, are being removed by the systematic dismantling of the NHS. Hate crime against LGBTQ people is still commonplace in our society.
Left Unity must be a voice against all aspects of prejudice against LGBTQ people, which despite recent legal improvements, is still rampant and institutionalised in this capitalist society.
We will mobilise the LGBTQ community to demonstrate that their interests and those of Left Unity coincide. We also believe that we have the right to self organised groups, as stated in our constitution, and we are therefore forming an LGBTQ caucus in the party. We will play a full role in the party structures and to ensure that homophobia biphobia and transphobia have no place in this new and radical party.
Steve Ellis
Richard Farnos
Sam Feeney
Mark Findlay
Ray Goodspeed
Nick Jones
Joseph Healy
Philip Inglesant
Marc Renwick
To join the caucus, send an email to
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
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Very good point which I wholeheartedly support. Once the caucus is formed, we need to make sure that we include this part of our message in our work with working class communities when we engage with them, even if the people we meet don’t want to admit their sexuality to us on a face-to-face basis. When they have sufficient confidence, they may well contact us and we need to set up a discreet way in which they can do this.