
Karen Michael (Norwich LU)
Nominated by Norwich LU


Karen Michael (Norwich LU)
Nominated by Norwich LU

I am asking for your vote as Eastern Region representative to Left Unity.

I have lived in the East for the last 17 years and have been politically active ever since.

Originally from America, I grew up a closet socialist. It has been a pleasure to live in a place where a “politics that dare not speak its name” could be openly celebrated! I helped organise a Gay Liberation Front group in 1972 in the American Midwest.

I was a member of the Labour Party except during periods of warfare. I helped unionise my office (the RBS mortgage group) for UNITE during my employment there. I am a UNISON representative at Norfolk County Council. I was an Affiliated Political Fund officer for the branch for several years. I have participated and have canvassed in several political campaigns. I was long-listed as a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Norwich North; I was not short listed because (and I am not kidding) the Labour Party decided it did not want a Lesbian to stand for Parliament in Norwich North. I quit the Labour Party to join Left Unity (some time after that issue).

My family is from the East End of London and I grew up seeing the marks of malnutrition and want etched across my mother’s face. In the heartland of the capitalist project (the USA) I experienced a period of over 6 months where I was homeless. I am a social services professional and have worked with people at all levels. I have fostered and helped raise several children to adulthood. These experiences have been instrumental in forming my view of how the world operates.

I have a Master’s degree in Management and have studied economics at a post graduate level.

I am currently standing as a candidate for Left Unity in the Norwich City Council election. I am committed to empowerment, feminism, socialism, and am determined to assist in providing a conduit for like minded people.

I am proud to associate with the Republican project in Left Unity. Boo hiss, monarchy, the founders of this extraordinarily unequal feast we call the United Kingdom! I also declare LGBTQ affiliation and am part of the women’s caucus.



Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Just Stop Oil – Slow Marches

Slow marches are still legal (so LOW RISK of arrest), and are extremely effective. The plan is to keep up the pressure on this ecocidal government to stop all new fossil fuel licences.

Sign up to slow march

Saturday 27th April: national march for Palestine

National demonstration.

Ceasefire NOW! Stop the Genocide in Gaza: Assemble 12 noon Central London

Full details to follow

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

Broadsheet: Make The Rich Pay

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