Scottish Republic Yes Tendency

Report on the Scottish Republic Yes Tendency (SRYT)

As the Scottish Republic Yes tendency comes to a formal end, it has produced this report of its activities. Read more »

England’s case for voting ‘Yes’

A pamphlet from the Scottish Republic Yes Tendency Read more »

To Scotland, with love: report from the London Says Yes rally

Mark France of Left Unity’s Scottish Republic Yes Tendency reports on a London meeting in solidarity with the Scottish independence campaign Read more »

Rally: Scottish independence – why the left must say Yes

Saturday 6 September, 1pm, London South Bank University SE1 0AA. More details in the leaflet below. Click here to book your ticket. Note that this meeting is not officially supported by Left Unity, but is supported by the Scottish Republic Yes Tendency within Left Unity. For a Yes vote [text from the reverse of the […] Read more »

Ken Loach statement on Scottish independence

The Scottish Republic Yes Tendency in Left Unity has over sixty supporters, including Ken Loach who has given us the following statement Read more »

Scottish Republic Yes Tendency supporters

A list of Left Unity members supporting the tendency Read more »

Scottish Republic Yes Tendency

A letter introducing a new tendency being formed within Left Unity – more of the tendency’s materials will be posted soon Read more »

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Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

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