
Stop the war in Ukraine! Russian Troops Out! No to NATO expansion!

Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine which began on 24 February 2022 is an unprovoked and unjustified attack on a sovereign state. Read more »

Statement on Trump visit – the power of protest

By Joseph Healy, Principal Speaker of Left Unity The announcement by Donald Trump today cancelling his plan to visit the UK next month is to be welcomed. Read more »

Left Unity to debate relationship with Labour Party

Left Unity’s annual conference this Saturday (21 Nov) will see the party debate its future – including a number of motions that would change its relationship to the Labour Party. Read more »

Blair should make his apologies at the Hague

Responding to Tony Blair’s apology for elements of the Iraq war, Salman Shaheen of Left Unity said: “Blair’s very partial apology does not bring back a million dead Iraqis or rebuild a nation in ruins. “The Iraq war and the knock-on destabilisation of Syria has birthed the one of the greatest threats the world faces […] Read more »

We want a decent future, not a ‘desolate North’

Left Unity supports Sunday’s national demonstration by the TUC in Manchester. Read more »

Army mutiny threat shows ‘fear of democracy’

Responding to an army general’s anonymous threat of a ‘mutiny’ against a Jeremy Corbyn government, Salman Shaheen of Left Unity said: “Jeremy Corbyn’s critics accuse him of wanting to drag Britain back to the past. But an army general are now threatening a mutiny against him – a coup that would drag Britain back to […] Read more »

Forget the national anthem, get serious about Corbyn

Responding to the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn today, Salman Shaheen of Left Unity said: “Jeremy Corbyn is asking serious life-and-death questions to David Cameron at prime minister’s questions. “Yet the Tories and parts of the media seem obsessed with whether he sings the national anthem or not. “As a republican party we stand full-square behind […] Read more »

Refugees: Government should at least match German figure

Responding to the shifting government position on refugees, Salman Shaheen of Left Unity said: “David Cameron is relenting slightly under pressure to allow more Syrian refugees into Britain. “However the government’s new position still does not go nearly far enough. Germany has taken over 100,000 refugees – Britain should at least match that. “The scale […] Read more »

Fitness-to-work tests ‘may have driven people to an early grave’

Responding to the release of figures showing thousands dying after passing fit-to-work tests, Left Unity’s Salman Shaheen said: “The government’s benefits regime is exposed as being cruellest to the weakest. People who are sick and dying are having to spend their final days fighting for money they are fully entitled to. “No wonder the government […] Read more »

Corbyn Iraq apology ‘can begin cleaning bloody stain’

Responding to Jeremy Corbyn’s pledge to apologise for the Iraq war, Left Unity’s Salman Shaheen said: “This shows that Jeremy Corbyn’s victory will finally turn the page on the warmongering record of New Labour. “I have never been able to vote Labour since the Iraq war. “Corbyn can’t bring back the dead, but if he […] Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

More details here

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

Broadsheet: Make The Rich Pay

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