Solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the Labour Party. Corbyn is a lifelong socialist and anti-racist. Over many decades he has opposed and fought against all forms of racism including that of anti-semitism. The establishment and the right-wing in the Labour Party have sought to destroy his leadership in the party and his political reputation with a campaign of smears and lies.

This is not just just an attack on Corbyn but an attack on the left as a whole which we reject.

Left Unity stands in solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn and calls for a mass campaign in his defence.


9 responses to “Solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn”

  1. Dr John Glyn says:

    So the Blairites have finally got rid of Corbyn. Well, for a while at least. But where now the political space for members to legitimately and objectively discuss the current Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinians without fear of being labeled antisemitic?

  2. I’m with you 100%.
    If the Starmzi Secret Police go for Jeremy, they go for us all. And I’m not even a Labour Party member!

  3. Phil hampton says:

    As expected the right continues to move move in that direction as time passes. No mention of the right wing Labour party members who have made anti Semitic remarks just a continuous attack on the man whose anti racist record is second to none. I am embarrassed by the Labour Party is suspending Jeremy Corbyn and while I normally stay to fight if he goes I will probably follow and fight the Tory light party as well as the Tories

  4. Peter Gillon says:

    This is a battle we have to win or there will be no opposition or real alternative to the Tories. I am a member of the labour party and the strong temptation is to cancel my membership but I wonder if that’s just playing into the hands of the right wingers. We need a strategy.

  5. Enzo Gilchrist says:

    It’s time to leave Labour.

  6. Tyrone O Sullivan says:

    I’ve known Jeremy since the miners strike 35years spoken on platforms with him many times a fantastic human being more than any MP he has always faught against racism and anti-semitism ,this showe how terrified the were of socialism and someone like Corbyn SHAREING the wealth in this world with all not just the rich The World has lost a fantastic oppitunity to make a better World for all not just the few Jeremy would have changed and created a better world

  7. ann bennett says:

    well comrades, the gloves are off , now the fight for our lives is on. the small parliamentary cabal will hope fully form a new party al la “new labour “and stand in the isles posturing while we the real socialists get going . yes it is time to launch a new party . a socialist party.
    bring it on. ann

  8. Claire Paylor says:

    I joined the Labour Party because of Corbyn, I left (yesterday) because of Starmer.
    When the Party and it’s current leader stops it’s unwarranted attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, I might consider a return to supporting it, but cannot continue to sit back whilst the Left is eradicated from the Labour Party.

  9. Nicola Sugden says:

    I too resigned from the Labour Party in disgust at their treatment of JC and lacklustre response to COVID-19 and the Tories. I feel a bit lost though, tbh. Where are Momentum in all this? Does anyone know?

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