
Boycott the Ritzy

Richard Farnos reports Read more »

Shaping the way we organise in support of a Jeremy Corbyn government

by Kate Hudson Will the remarkable change we’re witnessing in UK politics roll back the neo-liberal policies that have been so disastrous? Public hostility to Theresa May – already significant as a result of her election campaign – has increased, following the terrible and completely avoidable tragedy at Grenfell Tower last week: the destruction by […] Read more »

May’s offer to EU citizens – press release

Responding to Prime Minister Theresa May’s offer to EU citizens regarding their post-Brexit rights Joseph Healy principal speaker of Left Unity said: “May’s offer today to EU citizens is a gross insult and a disgrace to the millions who have made their lives in the UK and who deserve better than this. The proposal for […] Read more »

2017 Summer Conference agenda and motions

The agenda and motions for Left Unity’s Summer Conference this weekend can be found at this link 2017 Agenda Read more »

Solidarity with the Muslim community

Joseph Healy principal speaker for Left Unity on the terrorist attack in Finsbury Park “The attack today in London on  members of the Muslim community in Finsbury Park is appalling and is a direct result of the Islamophobia being peddled every day by not only the far Right but also the gutter press. A spokesman […] Read more »

The Tragedy of Grenfell Tower: neo-liberalism’s ‘collateral damage’

Doug Thorpe from Haringey Left Unity writes: It is too early yet to write about the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower without being overcome by a mixture of gut wrenching sorrow, and biting anger. This was not only an avoidable disaster, but one that should have been avoided. The residents, including through the Grenfell Action […] Read more »

They Don’t Represent Us! Thousands Protest in Leeds

Around two thousand people protested in Leeds yesterday to demand Theresa May and her Government resign, reports Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity. The protest was originally called in response to the incorporation of the Democratic Unionist Party into the Government but the anger after the terrible events in London and the Grenfell tower block […] Read more »

Grenfell – a call to action

Andrew Burgin The fire at the Grenfell tower block was an entirely avoidable tragedy. Many people have died and dozens injured and hundreds made homeless. We do not yet know the true extent of the deaths. It is a heartbreaking situation and we in Left Unity extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved and injured […] Read more »

Stop Privatising the NHS – Tell Simon Stevens to Bog off!

Protest: Wednesday 14th June at 12.30pm before Simon Steven’s appearance at 1-2pm at the Ron Cooke Inn, University of York, Heslington, York Yo10 5GE. Following  Theresa May’s election humiliation it is time to take to the streets, says Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity. That’s why NHS Campaigners from across the Yorkshire Region will be […] Read more »

The Corbyn Revolution

Neil Faulkner This is bigger than any of us could have imagined. This feels like a sea change in British politics, comparable with 1979, when Labour crashed to defeat, Thatcher stormed to power, and the neoliberal counter-revolution began. James Callaghan, the Labour prime minister defeated in 1979, said to his advisor just before polling day, […] Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

More details here

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

Broadsheet: Make The Rich Pay

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