Workers and the planet are under immediate threats from the power of those who own most of the world’s wealth, as they seek to maximise their profits at our expense.
We need to organise collectively in Wales, the UK and internationally both to defend past gains like the NHS, and to grow our power to confront capitalism and their neoliberal market-driven ideology before they destroy us and the planet.
The crisis we face is made worse by the current leadership of the Labour Party. Time is not on our side to wait for this to change. We cannot afford to hide behind ‘keep the Tories out’ or ‘Welsh Labour is different’; we must act now, directly, and politically for the sake of humanity and our planet.
We can do much in Wales to inspire and set an international example. That is why Left Unity has an agenda for an Ecosocialist transformation, and supports an independent Wales organised as a republic based on popular sovereignty and the fullest possible participatory democracy.
But there is no contradiction between fighting for independence and resisting growing Tory tyranny in the here and now. Collective direct action organised from below by unions and social movements is our main weapon. But we should not ignore the forthcoming May local elections.
The local elections provide a serious opportunity to build the struggle for Ecosocialism and raise demands for extending democracy deeper into our local communities. Ecosocialists should not stand outside these elections, ceding the arguments to the narrative of the established parties: the issues we face are too urgent and too serious for this.
Left Unity Wales is a small organisation and many of our members are not able to stand as candidates. However, even if we don’t stand, we wish to help build collective unity and the radical left in Wales through these elections by proposing a set of demands and policies that we can put forward in several ways.
As Left Unity Wales we are putting this programme forward to all in Wales who share our urgent concerns, as a basis for further open discussions around these three areas. A parallel initiative, the People’s Alliance of the Left (PAL), largely aimed at England has been launched with Left Unity support.
Here are our proposals to you based upon policies and demands drawn from our Left Unity Wales manifesto – see also the full text that follows this introductory call.
We call upon all who share our concerns to consider supporting these demands by
Contact us directly here or through Messenger on our Facebook page
Len Arthur – Left Unity Wales secretary
Left Unity Wales – possible ideas for supporting parties, candidates or forming alliances for standing in the local elections
We propose that all candidates should support these policies
See the full list here.
For a democratic Wales
Left Unity is calling on all council candidates to commit to supporting a referendum on Welsh independence within the first 18 months of the new Senedd. We believe that the current UK system of government is ultimately an impediment to the radical ecosocialist change we have outlined here. It is based on a limited and flawed democratic process. It permits ministers acting in the name of “crown powers”, wide scope to avoid democratic scrutiny. An independent Wales is essential to establish a modern social republic based on popular sovereignty and a written constitution. A political system where active citizens are directly involved in the decisions that shape their lives. This does not mean just waiting for independence. Left Unity believes we can begin the process of deepening and widening Welsh democracy now.
To this end we propose the following:
1. All candidates commit personally to subjecting themselves to recall, annual accountability and to allow a vote of confidence in themselves if 10% of their electorate requests this in a petition.
2. Support a move to three-year councils not five years council.
3. Support a system of full proportional representation in all elections – and immediately support the use for the STV law for the next round of elections.
4. Complete open books. No confidentiality except individual privacy.
5. Immediate return to committee governance with public and worker representation on all committees and the full council making final decisions. All meetings are public, broadcast and recorded.
6. All councillors to only take justifiable expenses and loss of wages – not a regular payment.
7. All candidates commit to producing monthly reports produced for the electorate in a website format that will allow for electorate comments and further questioning.
8. Working groups involving elected representatives, trade unions representing the staff officers and members of the public to produce reports for council and an end to PR dominated consultation exercises.
9. The role of community councils to be fully recognised and to encourage consortia working on the demands and policies included in this document where they enable effective and immediate action.
We are a party that takes forward the fight for equality, social justice and an end to all oppressions and discriminations and ends with support of the development of an eco-socialist doughnut economy.
We understand that it is going to be hard to find any candidate that will support all these demands, but we would ask socialist to consider who best would be most likely to take them forward and listen to them once elected.
Equality, economic security and re-distribution – action across all departments to end poverty and financial insecurity.
Ecosocialist ‘doughnut’ economics, zero carbon and the development of a locally owned and controlled economy
All councils to produce an economic development plan that conforms to the parameters of a local doughnut economy, based upon the foundations to extend ownership and control through workers cooperatives, and the specific demands in our Left Unity Wales manifesto.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
More details here
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