Dave Nellist out campaigning
Left Unity Principal Speaker Nick Jones reports on TUSC’s recent conference: Dave Nellist opened the conference, highlighting the crisis in local government funding on top of 12 years of austerity. Councils face £15 billion less than 2010 with the prospect of more job losses and cuts in services to follow. TUSC aims to stand the biggest number of anti-austerity candidates ever seen: the ambition is to stand 700 candidates on a no cuts, no privatisation basis.
Jared Wood from the NEC of RMT spoke about the rail worker strike and Taff Vale judgement 1901-2 that undermined a trade union’s ability to pursue political aims. He argued we need political action, not just relying on a strategy of strikes and disputes alone; these are difficult to organise and win. Labour was criticised for not advancing above inflation pay rises. Working class people need independent political representation.
Hannah Sell, General Secretary of the Socialist Party condemned Labour’s warm reception for the Tory MP that crossed the floor. Labour will not nationalise anything. Rachel Reeves was happy that constituency Labour parties were losing members, losing socialists and activists. The Labour NEC voted against restoring the whip to Jeremy Corbyn the vote was 23-13.
Fighting matters, UNITE the trade union have 75 live strikes ongoing in a bid to win better pay and conditions. Labour not only do not support strikes; they actively undermine them in some areas of the country. We would welcome Jeremy Corbyn standing as an independent socialist candidate that would inspire others to do the same. We need an independent socialist party to represent our aims. TUSC is aiming to stand candidates who agree with core policies. You will vote against cuts, privatisation and you can stand with your own party and additional programme policies. The federal approach is very important because it enables groups, trade unions to work together, gain trust and maintain independence. We want to collaborate with others outside the Labour Party, we want the maximum possible left unity.
Chris Williamson, former MP Derby North and founder of RESIST said it’s the time to break the political monopoly – both main parties represent the same policies. They don’t offer public ownership of utilities at a time of 50% energy price rise. Labour argued for a 5% cut in VAT. Local Authorities can do a lot, they have a choice regarding services. They can build council houses, there is no limit on housing revenue accounts. The investment is returned with rental payments. There is no difference between Labour cuts and Tory cuts, you cannot manage cuts in a compassionate way.
Ian Hodson, National President of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union stated, our union decided to disaffiliate from the Labour party because we did not feel that it represented the views of our members in local communities. We do not believe that you can build a fair society under capitalism, a society that has winners and losers. We do not want to maintain the power and privilege of the wealthy and powerful – we want socialism. We want to mobilise people to achieve democratic aims – because when we stand together, we can bring about change. We have a right as a people to a political voice.
Caz, UNITE stated that UNITE Policy conference passed a motion:
Local authorities must pass needs based, no cuts policies using reserve budgets and jointly campaigning with communities to win the budgets we need.
We are not just saying no cuts, we have an alternative. Unite will bring together local government representatives to put forward an alternative programme of cuts. We are seeing a number of disputes under Labour’s watch – we are clear that we will challenge if Labour attacks members of our union. The calibre of some councillors is extremely low, ignorant of the implications of what they are voting for.
During discussion the day of action for the NHS 26th February- SOS NHS was highlighted. It was clear that Labour councils are still planning more compassionate cuts. Trade Unions have a role in challenging and demanding no cuts councillors.
TUSC are encouraging candidates from local campaigns, left parties, trade unions. TUSC meets to endorse expressions of interest. Why not put yourself forward by 12th February? See below.
To find out more and help Dave Nellist’s election campaign in Erdington on March 3rd please follow the link. All support welcome – financial, campaigning or canvassing.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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