Over 110,000 registered with the organisation ‘Aufstehen’ at its launch in Berlin today, reports Nick Jones. The launch drew together the parliamentary leader of the German Left Party (Die Linke), Sahra Wagenknecht, alongside former president of the Green Party, Ludger Volmer and the SPD Mayor of Flensburg Simone Lange and other activists. The name can be translated as both ‘Rise up!’ or ‘Revolt!’ and that is exactly what the cross-party movement aims to do in its founding statement. They seek to gather together those in parties and trade unions alongside those who are not in any party, who are fed up with pro-business EU, where profit triumphs over public need, violence triumphs over international law and money takes precedent over democracy and environmental protection.
People work yet live in poverty and struggle to find or pay for accommodation. Those on benefits struggle to make ends meet and rely on Food Banks or ‘Tafel’.
Their aims are:
The organisation is just starting out and hopes to give an alternative to those who reject the ‘Grand Coalition’ of the social democratic SPD and conservative CDU-CSU. They seek to fight the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) by tackling issues that leave so many disenfranchised and feeling left behind.
Although Sahra Wagenknecht is from Die Linke, the party does not have a formal position of supporting ‘Aufstehen’. Some members have been critical of the move and see it as duplication at best and may even lay the foundations for the formation of another left party and future split. Others in the leadership of the party wish the group success and believe members are free to join ’Aufstehen’ and equally free to criticise the organisation. ‘Aufstehen’ has been criticised by some in the SPD including Kevin Kühnert of the Young Socialists who helped mobilise mass opposition to the Grand Coalition from within the party. He sees the group as not really offering anything different to the mainstream left organisations. How the group develops in the next days and weeks and the way they will tackle the growth of the far right remains to be seen. It is hoped that the movement unites thousands beyond pushing back racism and seeks to tackle social issues that divide and drive people into the hands of the right.
More information on Aufstehen here
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I read they are in favour of immigration controls? Is this true?