Syriza speaker will address anti-austerity march

Tomorrow’s anti-austerity march in London will be addressed by Marina Prentoulis, representing Greek party Syriza.

As Greece faces a crunch point, her speaking demonstrates that the anti-austerity movement in Britain stands together with the Greeks.

Marina Prentoulis said:

“We have paid the price of the austerity policies in blood. The Greek government has the political and moral duty to put an end to the austerity measures that created a humanitarian crisis in Greece.

“The Greek government has the political and moral duty not to allow the further humiliation of the Greek people and to stand up and stand firm against any blackmail undermining democracy in Greece or anywhere else in Europe.

“For the past few months the Syriza government has made every effort towards a mutually beneficial solution. It is now for the European institutions to decide if they take democracy and social justice seriously. It is time for the European institutions to decide if they take the future of the eurozone and the European Union seriously.”

Marina will be speaking at the rally planned after the march arrives in Parliament Square.

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For more details about the march itself see the People’s Assembly website.

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