Stop Privatising the NHS – Tell Simon Stevens to Bog off!

Protest: Wednesday 14th June at 12.30pm before Simon Steven’s appearance at 1-2pm at the Ron Cooke Inn, University of York, Heslington, York Yo10 5GE.

Following  Theresa May’s election humiliation it is time to take to the streets, says Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity. That’s why NHS Campaigners from across the Yorkshire Region will be heading to York on Wednesday 14th June to tell Simon Stevens, the Head of NHS England, to bog off!

Simon Stevens will be addressing the Festival of Ideas at the University of York. Simon used to be the head of the private health company, United Health. It may come as no surprise that one of Simon’s ideas involves dividing the NHS into 44 local services with restrictions on budget and services, similar to the American-style Accountable Care Organisation.

Restrictions on budget and rationing healthcare will create massive gaps that will increasingly be filled by the private health providers and increased opportunities for private health insurance companies. Hospitals and services are merged and staff cut to save money.

Theresa May has stuck two fingers up to health workers by reappointing Jeremy Hunt as Health Secretary. He is on record as the most unpopular Health Minister and provoked industrial action from Junior Doctors and cut nursing bursaries.

The Government are weak and clearly have no mandate for health privatisation. It is fantastic to see a Corbyn-led Labour party with 800,000 members and 41% of the vote. It would be even better if this movement supported by trade unions and campaigners takes to the streets – let’s tell them to leave the NHS alone.


Wednesday 14th June at 12.30pm before Simon Steven’s appearance at 1-2pm at the Ron Cooke Inn, University of York, Heslington, York , YO10 5GE.


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