It is important that we stand with health workers in their disputes for better pay and working conditions. Here we provide a round of up-and-coming action:
British Medical Association- Junior Doctors set to strike in June
The Junior Doctors are set to take strike action this week from 7am 14th June to 7am 17th June in a bid to win pay restoration. The statement read:
“In response to the Government’s paltry 5% pay increase offer we are calling for a full 72-hour walk out of all junior doctors in England. Junior doctors deserve full pay restoration now – and the goal of this third round of industrial action is to force the Government to put forward a credible offer.”[1] The BMA have announced that they will be re-balloting the 19th June to 31st August to renew their mandate for strike action with a view improving the miserable pay offer the Government has put forward.
The Health Campaign Keep Our NHS Public has produced a range of materials that can be downloaded to show your support[2]. We urge supporters to attend picket lines in your local area and support the Junior Doctors.
Nurses Say NO!
Nurses are campaigning hard for a yes vote in the ballot to extend their mandate for strike action. The ‘Nurses Say No Campaign’ has an impressive following on social media with over 90,000 followers. The group was formed in 2020 with the clear aims of
Pay Justice: a proper pay rise for health workers. We are demanding a 15% pay increase, to help retain much-needed staff and to start healing the damage of a decade of wage cuts and stagnation.
Protecting Patient Safety: from overstretched staffing to postponed elective surgery, we need major reinvestment to end the short-sighted policies that endanger patients as well as hurting staff.
Ending Privatisation: for years the government have used NHS contracts as a vehicle to divert billions into the coffers of private firms. This has to stop – public money should be spent on public services.
They have provided a welcome source of support and encouragement for staff fighting for pay justice.
For up to the date information and campaigns follow their webpage: NHS Workers Say NO! – Fight For Your Right!
Royal College of Nursing – ballot open until 23rd June- Vote YES
Over 300,000 nursing staff ae being balloted across England. For more up to date information follow them on Twitter[3]. Rhian urges members to vote YES.
“I’m Rhian , I’m a nurse and an RCN member. Our action has forced the Government to make an offer after years of an ineffective Pay Review Body. Their offer was rejected by us RCN members. We must finish what we have started. Vote today and tell us you have voted. Our profession is counting on strong rebalance.”
RCN nurses rightly rejected the Government pay off of a one off non-consolidated pay bonus. A non-consolidated offer means that it will not be added to the pay scales, meaning that the 5% for 2023-24 will actually be a cut in pay (relative to 2022-3 rates plus bonus) of about 1%. The total offer will still leave the average nurse £4,400 worse off in real terms than they were in 2008. The cost-of-living crisis is set to increase.
Solidarity with Health workers – Northern March for the NHS 1st July Leeds
Keep Our NHS Public, Health Campaigns Together, Nurses Say No and many NHS campaign groups are organising a solidarity march and rally with Health workers in Leeds 1st July assembling at 11.00am. For more information:
[3] (3) NHS Workers Say NO! on Twitter: “? Today is our #VoteForStrike day! Lets drive turnout in the #RCN ballot which remains open till 23rd June! ?? Please listen to this important message from #Nurse & RCN Member Rhian! ? Are you an RCN Member who wants to join the fight to win? DM us your email address!” / Twitter
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