Solidarity for Cuba

On Friday afternoon, August 5th, lightning struck one of the largest fuel depots in Cuba, the Supertanqueros de Matanzas base, leaving a trail of victims, in a human and environmental disaster.

The European Left believes that international solidarity with Cuba is important in all its expressions and calls for support for Cuba in this crisis.

The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment (Mincex) has announced the opening of two accounts to receive emergency donations in response to the catastrophe caused by the fires:

– In the Banco Financiero Internacional (BFI), with the number 0300 0000 0533 6242. Swift code: BFICCUHHXXX.

– The account DONACIONES-CUBA, in the International Bank of Commerce (Bicsa), with the number 0407 6100 8187 0041. Swift code: BIDCCUHHXXX.

Please support the appeal for donations.

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Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Just Stop Oil – Slow Marches

Slow marches are still legal (so LOW RISK of arrest), and are extremely effective. The plan is to keep up the pressure on this ecocidal government to stop all new fossil fuel licences.

Sign up to slow march

Saturday 6th July: National March for Palestine

National demonstration.

Tell the new government: End the Genocide! Stop Arming Israel: Assemble 12 noon, Russell Square, London

Full details to follow

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

Broadsheet: Make The Rich Pay

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