Bianca Todd from left wing political party Left Unity said:
“Ed Miliband’s plan to end unemployment benefits for 18-to-21 year olds is a disgrace. Labour has really lost its way if it thinks this is an inspiring alternative to the Tories.
“With youth unemployment running at 900,000, young people need jobs, not threats.
“Young people need education and they need training – but punitive measures aren’t the way to provide it. That is why we call for cuts to colleges to be reversed and the Education Maintenance Allowance to be restored and extended.
“Labour says it is tackling the ‘something for nothing’ culture. If you want a real example of a ‘something for nothing’ culture, just take a look at the benches in parliament.”
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Notes for editors
1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
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Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine
End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel
Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran
Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London
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Thank you , at least some people are trying to make a difference
Yet another nail in New Labour’s coffin. This is exactly why Left Unity is needed. Labour and Tory policies are so similar, I can’t understand what Miliband and Flashman find to argue about anymore!!
It’s a clear sign that an election is on the way when the political parties start to rabidly compete to see who can dish out the meanest kicking to those who are ill-prepared to respond.
ALWAYS benefit recipients – specifically the unemployed, and in this instance it’s the young unemployed.
I’m very uneasy that Ed Milliband should be proposing such punitive measures to “encourage” young jobless to “better” themselves and therefore improve their chances of golden-hearted employers begging them to go and work for them…………
Got that, Mr M?
Voters need to rethink their faith in the Labour Party. They aere deeply conservative and offer the most vulnerable in society absolutely nothing … they aint on socialist party.
I am just about to cancel my Labour membership!
I already have and I have told um why!
Our Left Unity branch at Stockport has already held a demonstration at the town centre Jobcentre, against benefit sanctions, workfare and the work capability assessments.
We will be arranging more of tem and this attack by Miliband gives more fuel to our campaign.
A tip for other branches who decide to arrange such demonstrations. 3 comrades from the Manchester Unite Community branch joined us and were able to complement our raising the political issues, by giving out details of advice surgeries on benefits issues and details of a trade union that unemployed workers can join. I think it would be well worth comrades making links with Unite Community branches if they exist in your areas.