Response to call for Iraq airstrikes

Left wing political party Left Unity is against US airstrikes or any Western intervention in Iraq.

Salman Shaheen from Left Unity said:

“ISIS is a monster of the West’s own making. The US and UK-led invasion of Iraq, and the series of blunders that followed, created the awful situation Iraq faces today.

“Further Western military intervention can never be the answer to Iraq’s problems. It can only lead to more bloodshed.”

He added that David Cameron claiming ISIS are “planning to attack us here at home” brings back memories of Tony Blair’s rhetoric in 2003.

Salman Shaheen added:

“David Cameron must not be allowed to get away with a tribute act to Tony Blair’s infamous ’45 minutes’ claim.

“The British government should come out against any airstrikes, and give a cast-iron guarantee it will not participate in them.”

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Notes for editors

1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.

1 comment

One response to “Response to call for Iraq airstrikes”

  1. Keith C says:

    Truth to tell, Britain’s military is in PP shape to do an awful lot due to the cuts. Personally I get the feeling that Cameron is laying bait for Milliband. Unless of course he’s looking for a quick military hit in election year. Blood for votes, just like Thatcher.

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