Response on Mediterranean search and rescue

Immigration minister James Brokenshire has defended the government’s plans to stop search and rescue in the Mediterranean.

Felicity Dowling of Left Unity responded:

“We need to call this what it is: the use of drowning as border control. It is vicious, disgusting and deeply racist.

“It could leave up to 150,000 refugees and migrants to drown every year. People will die in the sea because the Tories are running scared of UKIP.

“The government talks about ‘pull factors’, but it is their policies of war and economic deprivation that drive people to be desperate enough to attempt this journey.

“Left Unity calls for the retention of search and rescue for all people travelling the Mediterranean and will be working together with European and African parties of the left to campaign for it.”

For interviews and more information contact

Notes for editors

1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it has around 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.

1 comment

One response to “Response on Mediterranean search and rescue”

  1. Simon Hardy says:

    Left Unity also supports freedom of movement for people across the world – people shouldn’t have to cross the Mediterranean sea in dangerous boats to come to Europe, they should be guaranteed safe passage. The fact that we have to have a search and rescue operation in the first place is a damning indictment of “Fortress Europe” and the racist policies at heart of the EU.

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