Report on the Scottish Republic Yes Tendency (SRYT)

As the Scottish Republic Yes tendency comes to a formal end, it has produced this report of its activities.

On 29 March 2014 Left Unity held its second conference in Manchester. A resolution (see Appendix) directed to the working class in England and Wales was proposed. It identified the following:

  • Recognising the right to Self determination.

  • The importance of international unity.

  • The threat to the Tory government and their austerity agenda.

  • The threats against the Scottish people from the unionist parties and the EU.

  • Support for Yes vote.

  • The importance of republicanism for Scotland and the rest of the UK.

  • The importance of the Radical Independence Campaign.

  • Proposal for a ‘Hands off the People of Scotland’ campaign.

The resolution was supported by the Southwark and Worcester Left Unity branches. It was moved by Steve Freeman (Southwark), Lesley Mahmoud (Liverpool) and Mark France (Worchester). After the resolution was declared lost by chair’s inspection there was a challenge and a recount. This showed 68 for and 70 against with 20 abstentions.

Motion from Radical Independence Campaign

On the same day the National Forum of Radical Independence Campaign met in Perth. There were delegates from Aberdeen, Dumfries & Galloway, Dundee, East Kilbride, Edinburgh, Glasgow Southside, Glasgow West, Inverness, Perth, Stirling, Scottish CND, Scottish Federation of Socialist Teachers and Trade Unionist for Independence, the Republican Communist Network, the Scottish Socialist Party and the SWP. The National Forum (RIC) voted to provide speakers for meetingsin England, Wales and Ireland and support a proposal from the Republican Socialist Alliance and the Republican Socialist Tendency to organise a meeting in England in support of a Yes vote.

Setting up the SRYT

As result of the defeated LU resolution a few comrades called on Left Unity members to support a new tendency in the party, critically supporting the Yes campaign. On 6 June 2014 the LU national secretary was formally notified of this in a letter from Mick Napier (LU Glasgow and Scottish Committee) and Steve Freeman (LU Southwark). A request was made for a place for Tendencies on the website so members could easily find any materials or information. The tendency had 35 supporters.

The founding statement of aims says:

a) Winning a majority of Left Unity members to support a Yes vote.

b) Campaigning to support for a Yes vote in the socialist and labour movements in England, Wales and Ireland and counter the case made by the Unionist parties (Tory, Labour, Liberal Democratic and UKIP).

c) Inviting where appropriate speakers from the Radical Independence Campaign.

d) To make a case that the referendum offers the Scottish people the right and opportunity to extend democracy and create a Scottish republic. This would serve the wider democratic interest of people in the rest of the UK.

e) To reject the ‘abstract internationalism’ of the Unionist campaign (Better Together) and substitute active practical solidarity and support by working people in England, Wales and Ireland for the democratic and socialist movement in Scotland.

The SRYT called on all Left Unity members to add their names to this platform and to work to support a Yes vote.

Left Unity members supporting the SRYT

Mick Napier Glasgow, Sofiah MacLeod Interim Scottish LU Secretary, Steve Freeman Southwark, Steve Harper Southwark, Jane Kelly Southwark, Mick Hall Eastern Region, John Tummon Stockport, Brigitte Lechner Stockport, Noel Kennedy Worcestershire & Herefordshire, Andy Morgan Worcestershire & Herefordshire, Mark Anthony France Worcestershire & Herefordshire, Russell Caplan Haringey, John Hull Sheffield, Tony Mercer Sheffield, Christian Hill Sheffield, Marc Renwick Leeds North East, Matthew Caygill Leeds, Paris Thompson Leeds, Garth Frankland Leeds, Andrew Roaf Leeds, Ged Colgan Leeds, Javaad Alipoor Bradford, Neal Heard Bradford, Keith Nathan Bradford, Brenda Brown Bradford, Trevor Holdsworth Bradford, Paul Brown Bradford, Brian Collier Bradford, Steve Wallis Manchester, Gary Todd Manchester, Richard Atkinson Cheshire West and Chester, Felicity Dowling Chester, Tom Mycock Leicester, Tim Nelson Bristol, Rob Mitchell Bristol, Kat Burdon-Manley Cardiff, Andy Hewett Cardiff, Grant Keir Edinburgh, Kevin Ferguson Edinburgh, Lynne Hook Thurso, Shabraz Ahmed Birmingham, Robert Brenchley Birmingham, Sharon McCourt Birmingham, D McCourt Birmingham, Merry Cross Reading, Gioia Coppola Greenwich and Lewisham, Ciara Doyle Greenwich and Lewisham, Ian Crosson Greenwich and Lewisham, David Leal Greenwich and Lewisham, Jose Martinelli Greenwich and Lewisham, Hazel Duffy Wigan, Adele Andrews Wigan, Stephen Hall Wigan, Mark Findlay Brighton, Bianca Todd Northampton, Eve Turner West London, Lesley Mahmood Liverpool, Ken Loach Camden, Eleanor Firman Waltham Forest, Susan Pashkoff Waltham Forest, Roland Rance Waltham Forest, Richard Seymour Barnet, Phil Vellender Hackney, Terry Stewart Hackney, Terry Conway Islington,

Debating the Referendum in LU branches

Left Unity branches in Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester and Shipley (Bradford) held public meetings to debate the issue of the Scottish referendum. Alan Story, Nottingham Left Unity, played a major role in organising these events and SYRT gave support and encouragement. About twenty met in Sheffield, thirty five in Leeds, twenty in Manchester and ten in Shipley. The format was debate between Sandy McBurney (No) and Mick Napier (Yes). Nottingham Left Unity held a meeting with Cat Boyd (RIC)

The best aspects of these meetings were the lively debates and engagement of LU members with whole issue. In Leeds one comrade remarked that it was the most political meeting they had had because it raised many fundamental questions. There were votes in Sheffield and Shipley which supported Yes. Leeds did not vote and in Manchester it was eight for No and seven for Yes with four abstentions. The SYRT intervened in all the northern meetings to get over the idea that this was an English question about the future of the left in England and the importance of building links between Scotland and England.

Ken Loach’s statement of support

The SRYT spoke to Ken Loach who played a major role in launching Left Unity. He agreed to support the tendency and provided the following statement which we used for the “London Says Yes” meeting. “For a few hours, Scottish people have control over their future. They can choose to keep that power or give it back to a state dominated by the British ruling class. Independence would not solve the problems but it would give Scottish people the power to start to create a more just, more fair, more sustainable society.

When the Sandinistas in Nicaragua kicked out a dictator and began to build hospitals and schools and take industries into public ownership, they were opposed by the U.S. They were the ‘threat of a good example’. If Scotland leaves the UK, we in England will face a Tory majority. But if an independent Scotland is a success it can be, for us, the threat of a good example and show that a progressive government can improve lives now and make the future sustainable.

A Scottish government that reproduces a pale version of Westminster politics will be a wasted opportunity. A Scottish government that puts the long term interests of the people first could move the centre of the political debate to the left and do us all a favour”.

London Says Yes” Meeting

On 6 September 2014 the SRYT in conjunction with the Republican Socialist Alliance organised a solidarity meeting under the slogan “London Says Yes”. The Yes campaign in Scotland was under siege from the British ruling class and their mass media. It was very important that people in Scotland did not get the mistaken idea that people in England are all chauvinists hostile to Scotland’s democratic case. Our meeting represented a broader spectrum of progressive and radical opinion in the rest of the UK.

The main speaker was Bernadette McAliskey,former MP for Mid Ulster, well known as a republican, socialist, feminist and supporter of human rights and active community campaigner. Bernadette was met at Heathrow by the well-known social media commentator Mark McGowan, aka The Artist Taxi Driver. She was interviewed by Mark and brought to the meeting at London South Bank University to join the platform with other contributions from Scotland, Wales and England. 

The meeting was sponsored by a range of left organisations such as A World to Win, Agreement of the People, Occupy (Real Democracy), Red Pepper, Republican Socialist Alliance, Revolutionary Socialism 21, Scottish Republic Yes Tendency (Left Unity), Socialist Resistance, Socialist Workers Party and Sons of Malcolm. There were messages of support from Leanne Wood, leader of Plaid Cymru, as well as the Green Party and Adam Ramsay of Open Democracy.

Bernadette made an inspiring speech about the history of British imperialism and the crimes committed by the British state in every continent on the globe. She described the Queen as a “receiver of stolen goods”, and spoke of the importance of empowering a new generation of youth to take the future into their own hands. Allan Armstrong from the Radical Independence Campaign spoke of the Declaration of Calton Hill in 2004, which laid the basis of the flowering of the mass democratic movement involving a new layer of working class activists that we see today. Steve Freeman said “Scotland is staying on the same island as the rest of us. But the Scottish people have the chance to take more powers into their own hands. However, Cameron is right on one thing – the future of Scotland is not simply a Scottish question. It is a class question and therefore not restricted by the Scottish border or who actually votes… Cameron will not be able to vote, yet his future is on the line.

At the end the sisters and brothers held up their Yes posters high and roared “YES!” as the rally came to an end. They vowed to do whatever they could to get the message across, especially to those socialists in England who still seem to misunderstand the dynamics of the Scottish independence referendum.



Film of the ‘London Says Yes’ meeting

One of the aims of the meeting was to produce a film and ‘send’ it to Scotland as an act of solidarity and to say to people in Scotland that there are people in the rest of the country who support the Yes campaign. This file can be found on Vimeo and Youtube. A special thanks is due to Chris Reeves who filmed the meeting and did a brilliant job editing it down to twenty minutes. The Vimeo film was viewed five thousand times in the last week the campaign.

The Vimeo version can be found at:

The Youtube version can be found at:

Love Letter from England

The 6 September meeting supported a proposal to send a ‘love letter’ to Scotland to be circulated by all possible means. The aim was to make clear that many in England do not support a ‘No’ vote. As the accompanying leaflet said “this is not because of indifference or disinterest in the future of Scotland or because we want to wave goodbye. We hope Scotland votes ‘Yes’ because we believe what is best for democracy in Scotland is best for working people in the rest of the UK”.

“A yes vote will give the Scottish people the right to decide their own democracy and write their own constitution. It concluded by saying “We are convinced that if Scotland takes this major step forward, then we in England will follow. Greater democracy, if it comes from the people, will improve all our lives. As free peoples we will be become even closer in our hearts and minds”.

The letter said “Dear Scotland – We love you, Do us all a favour, Please escape on September 18, Vote Yes, Goodbye Cameron, Kick out the Tories, Blow away New Labour, End Queen Anne’s Act of Union, Build a better democracy, Make a better future, Inspire us and we will follow your lead, Then we will be even closer friends – Forever, Your friends in England”

The letter became one side of a leaflet that supporters of the SYRT gave out in Glasgow in the week before the referendum. It was well received in Glasgow’s ‘Yes Bar’ and at the Glasgow rally of three hundred people addressed by Tariq Ali. There was a very positive reception for the letter which made many people smile. Some even came to ask for the letter which is not usual.


The SRYT failed to shift the politics of Left Unity. There was no militant campaign in England or Wales to protest against the threats of the British ruling class. The organised working class in England remained neutral. On September 18 the Scottish people voted 45% for yes and 55% for no. Cameron emerged in triumph. The Queen had been very worried about the outcome and allowed her Unionist views be known through the media. Later Cameron let slip his private conversation with Her Majesty in which he said she was over the moon with joy. No wonder – the danger that a yes vote would be the spark for the beginnings of Scottish republicanism passed away.

Nevertheless the referendum changed politics in Scotland forever. Constitutional change remains on the political agenda and this is now spreading to England and will become an issue in the 2015 general election.

Let us end with our thoughts of Steve Wallis, a comrade from Manchester who enthusiastically supported a yes vote and joined this tendency and who sadly passed away.


Original LU resolution on Scotland defeated by 70 to 68

This conference recognises the right of the Scottish people to national self-determination.

1. We note the long, close and mutually supportive relations between the working class movements in Scotland and in England and the rest of the UK.

2. Regardless of whether Scotland becomes independent or not we will do what we can to bring the working class movements into closer unity and solidarity.

3. We note that the British ruling class through the current Cameron government supported by the Liberal Democrats and Labour has threatened to ban the Scottish people using the pound sterling in a currency union. This constitutes a declaration of war by means of economic sabotage. We note that the British ruling class has used its influence with the EU bureaucracy to threaten to exclude Scotland from the EU and deny access to European markets and any rights held since 1976.

4. We note that the Cameron government will face a serious political crisis and the Cameron led Coalition may come to an end if it fails to win a No vote in the September referendum.

Therefore this conference resolves to:

1. Counter Cameron’s appeal to the people of England, Northern Ireland and Wales by making a case for a Yes vote in the trade union and socialist movements in the rest of the UK

2. Explain why a sovereign democratic secular and social republic would not only be in the interests of the Scottish people but would encourage similar democratic movements in England, Wales and Ireland.

3. Recognise the importance of the Radical Independence Campaign as an organising centre for a republican and internationalist approach to the question of Scotland’s democracy.

4. Help establish a “Hands Off the People of Scotland” campaign to counter the threats and bullying tactics of the Unionist coalition of Tory, Liberal Democrat and Labour politicians.

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15 responses to “Report on the Scottish Republic Yes Tendency (SRYT)”

  1. John Penney says:

    Anyone wishing to get to the political bottom of all this frantic “Republican Socialist” stuff should take the time to wade through the extremely long document presented to Conference by the “Constitution Commission” (just the Republican Socialist Tendency in fact ). The quite astonishing thing about this very long and detailed document , full of its fervour for the petty nationalist breakup of the multi nation capitalist United Kingdom into three or more smaller , mutually competing, still capitalist states, is that there is not one single iota of socialist analysis or politics in the entire manuscript ! Despite using the word “socialist” and making reference to “neoliberalism” the monarchy and Act of Union obsessed “republican socialists” are in fact just radical bourgeois liberal petty nationalists – with divisive , non-socialist, politics more suited to the social and political conditions of 1814, not 2014.

    Left Unity needs to completely reject the collapse into petty Left Nationalism that the “Yes Campaign” bandwagon boarding political collapse of the Scottish Left, and sections of the RUK Left too, actually represents. All across Europe as capitalism sinks ever deeper into crisis, nationalism is on the march – sometimes with a “Leftish ” face (The French National Front is currently projecting a pseudo left policy offer remarkably socialistic in tone on economic issues). The petty nationalism with a leftish face of the “republican socialists” and their ilk is just another manifestation of this reactionary current – looking to nationalist division not class struggle and class solidarity across all bourgeois state boundaries, as the way out of the capitalist crisis .

    Left Unity needs to fight to build class unity through struggle against the Austerity Offensive, across the currently constituted UK and across Europe, not ever greater nationalist inspired divisions within the working class. There are undoubtedly constitutional reforms needed within the current bourgeois capitalist nation state of the UK to make it more (bourgeois) democratic but at the end of the day even with reform it would still be a capitalist state – with the superrich ruling class still firmly in control because of their disproportionate wealth and resulting power. The need of today is to fight the capitalist Austerity Offensive – NOT get side-tracked into an endless sterile campaign for constitutional reform WITHIN CAPITALISM.

    • John Tummon says:

      Once again, full of jargonised received truths, such as “radical bourgeois liberal petty nationalists”. You are degenerating into a distilled version of some arcane Marxist archive from circa 1938. Within this distilled archive, everything and everyone is cleanly compartmentalised, as if some Marxist Moses had devised it; truths are eternal and so are class enemies; history never changes and all we need to do to find the answer to any social problem is plug in to the correct part of the archive and read the runes within it. All then becomes clear.

  2. phil vellender says:

    John you say you’re a socialist but not a republican socialist. How can you be a socialist and not a republican? Are you a royalist socialist or simply a 2014 prevaricator?

  3. Ray G says:

    John Pennney

    Quite! I was waiting at any moment for a critical support for Bonnie Prince Charlie and other reactionary Tories, so absolutely do our “comrades” hate the Whigs, Queen Anne. and the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which was of course a progressive measure at the time, as was the Act of Union between the joint monarchies of Scotland and England under a Scottish, Stuart Queen (the much maligned Queen Anne). Given the ISIS fiasco at conference I began to think I would actually see it.

    Campaigning for constitutional reforms, particularly PR for example (which John Tummon appears not to support!!) is an important plank of any prgressive party programme and activity, but the obsessiveness of this tendency left them arguing much too enthusiastically for the virtues of, say, France and the US (model democratic republics) as against the virtues of Norway, Netherlands, Sweden etc (liberal, progessive monarchies). Of course there cannot be a socialist Kingdom, (unless you count the North Korean prison camp regime), but in arguing for democratic reforms we need to make it clear that all these different kinds of states that exist now are simply different ways for the the ruling class to rule. The thing to do is sweep them away.

    However, on nationalism, see my comments at the end of the RIC article

  4. phil vellender says:

    Dear Ray
    I want to object in strongest possible terms to you underestimating our utter disdain for Bonnie Prince Charlie, other reactionary Tories, the Whigs and Queen Ann .Our tradition is that of the Levellers not the Whigs. Today’s Whigs are constitutional reformers set on improving the constitutional settlement of 1688. Today’s ‘Whig ‘improvers’ are to be found in the liberal democrats, Labour Party, and, yes, some well entrenched in Left Unity. It is a shame that you should employ the pet royalist bogeymen of the French and American republics. You may scare the Children but Leveller republicans are made of sterner stuff!
    Phil Vellender

  5. Ray G says:


    I am crystal clear in my support for constitutional reforms to the British state. – control of the executive by the legislature, the end to the crown prerogative (or indeed the crown itself), the abolition of the House of Lords, full representative PR in elections, right of recall, much more frequent fixed-term parliaments, a written constitution and bill of rights, abolition of all the accumulated archaic gunk of the House of Commons traditions and so on and so on.

    My point is that this should not be put forward in an obsessive way or as some kind of panacea. Even the most democratic capitalist state is still a capitalist state and will remain so until the mass of people take real economic and state power into their own hands. If you don’t like the examples of USA or France then name your perfect capitalist state! I am all ears.

    As to you points about the Whigs – fine, glad to hear it. Just don’t let Steve F write any more geeky obsessive articles about Queen Anne and the Act of Settlement, – its just weird.

    • John Tummon says:

      Ray G, No – I do not support PR as the way forward. At best, it would be a marginal improvement on the prospects of parties outside the 3 mainstream ones and UKIP. That is precisely why I put forward a motiion to conference that LU should support the Green Party’s proposal for a Peoples’ Constitutional Convention, which deals with the list of reforms you list in your first paragraph above.

      You and your mate John P persist in accusing me of supporting Islamic State in order to demonise my participation in this one. That is a low (and obsessive) tactic, typical of how politics is ‘debated’ via point-scoring against individual reputations in the House of Commons.

      Your idea that the 1680s and 1690s was a progressive period is only supportable in the sense that it estbablished a state almost fully fit for basing capitalism in, rather than the half-way house between feudalism and capitalism that existed before, but the essence of that settlement in Britain was around the alliance between bankers and the Crown, in order to finance and build up the infrastructure capable of sustaining repeated wars against France in order to acquire colonies. In short, it took Britain to the leadership of imperialism. The Monarchy was centally involved in British imperialism and militarism and still is, which is why it took until 1950 for any British Monarch to visit Stratford on Avon.The Monarchy stands at the unaccountable heart of state coercion in British capitalism and ensures the relative lack of transparency in these things compared to every other western Capitalist state.

  6. John Penney says:

    Phil Vellender, Let me share a fact with you – EVERY Left Unity member (apart from one or two secret policemen no doubt in our ranks) is a “republican socialist” – every one of us ! What most of us aren’t however is petty nationalist , anti Act of Union, anti monarchy, obsessives . As Ray G has explained – even if the UK split up into three (or more) independent capitalist states, with constitutions akin to that “perfect bourgeois democracy” the USA (oh yes it is ) – they would all still be capitalist states , under the ever harsher market-driven lash of the global capitalist austerity offensive. Your disruptive, tiny little “Republican Socialist” faction in LU is simply offering distraction and division – getting in the way of building a serious radical Left mass party, based on working class unity in struggle – right across the UK – and eventually across Europe too.

  7. Steve F says:

    Obsessive republicanism

    Well done Phil. How do we know when Phil is winning the argument? His opponents start to go all peculiar. They say of course we agree with you. They claim to be constitutional reformers and rush off their favorite list of constitutional reforms just like Ray has done. Don’t expect them to mention the word ‘republic’ which is a bridge too far.

    Ray says he wants to “the end to the crown prerogative (or indeed the crown itself)”. I like the bit in brackets added as an after-thought. Ray wants to pretend he is really a republican after all – despite his ‘obsession’ with attacking republicanism using the favorite arguments of royalists.

    What royalist arguments do these ‘republicans’ put forward? First republicans are loony tunes, obsessives, geeks, and fruit cakes. Of course Ray does not say that about Phil because he ‘agrees’ with him. The problem is not Phil but his allies. Especially reprehensible is the attack on ‘good’ Queen Anne for imposing the Act of Union on Scotland. Surely we should not speak ill of the dead!

    The second royalist argument from Eton posh boys is about the danger of a republic. God preserve our little island, it would be like America, or even worse France, where the cheese eating surrender monkeys live! Indeed anybody suggesting a republic must support these two terrible republics as the only kind of republic possible.

    There is worse to come. In a republic we would have no option but to elect Thatcher or Blair as president. At least with a monarchy we have somebody reasonable, above the hurely burley of class struggle, and we don’t have to worry our little heads about who to vote for.

    The upper classes fear democracy because they fear and despise the masses. They want to enlist the support of middle class prejudices for the royalist cause. Fear of the unknown, whipped up by the ruling class, is why so many middle class SNP supporters voted No. It is the same with republicanism.

    The class instinct of the middle classes is that it is better to stick with constitutional monarchy, which limits the participation of the masses and doesn’t allow them to vote for President Thatcher-Blair. The middle class are clever enough to see through the pitfalls of republicanism which beguile the ignorant masses! This is how upper class royalists seek to enlist the support of the middle class.

    Anybody who thinks Left Unity is immune from the middle class fear of republicanism should read Ray’s comments and think again. It is shocking to find the royalist arguments used by the latter day ‘friends’ of republicanism. As Ray assures us, he is not an Obsessive Republican. For him republicanism is not something to do or even mention unless criticized by people like Phil. Ray’s kind of ‘republicanism’ belongs in brackets, and is useful for no other reason than protecting the royal arse.

    England is suffering from excessive or obsessive monarchism. The papers are full of it everyday, with mind numbing and sonorous propaganda. Ray’s opposition to ‘obsessive’ republicanism shows exactly where his ideas are coming from. He is talking like English liberals who want moderation is all things – moderate in our attitude to monarchy and very modest and polite in our republicanism.

    Every thinking person realizes only a republic will stop ‘obsessive’ republicanism. So the sooner England becomes a republic (again) the quicker this obsession will disappear. Otherwise England’s obsession with royalty and aristocracy is set to continue with Ray keeping up his attacks on ‘too much’ republicanism whilst pretending to be a republican.

  8. Steve F says:

    Bloody Queen Anne


    Phil rightly posed today’s constitutional politics in the context of the historic struggle between the Levellers and Whigs. Ray says he would support a republic if I vowed not to write any more geeky obsessive articles about Queen Anne. ‘Geeky’ sounds like the Daily Mail on a bullying witch-hunt against Ed Milliband. Levellers are not going to be bullied by the Whigs.

    Historian AJP Taylor says “the Whig interpretation of history is easy to define; all our political thinking rests on it. It is the story of English liberty, founded by the Magna Carta, consolidated by the Glorious Revolution, expanded by the great Reform Bill, and reaching its highest achievement with the Labour government.” (Essays in English history Penguin p17). This is the Whig tradition of rotten compromise with the Crown for which Labour and Ray have cast themselves as avid supporters.

    So on the question of Queen Anne, Ray throws up a smokescreen of ‘geekery’. He pleads with Phil “just don’t let Steve F write any more geeky obsessive articles about Queen Anne.” Why would I not continue to attack Queen Anne and her latter day supporters. Ray is on the run because he singularly fails to understand what Queen Anne is all about. She imposed the Act of Union on Scotland in 1707. It is not simply about exposing the bribery, corruption and bullying of our late dear Queen. No, Queen Anne is a litmus test for today.

    As soon as she is condemned, all the modern day Whig liberals, including the semi-democrats who claim to be socialists, come out the woodwork and rally to her defense. The Whigs say she was not such a bad Queen and did some good and claim that those who attack her Act of Union are nothing more than geeks with a nationalist chip on their shoulders. Queen Anne’s bloody Act of Union is defended and excused by all Laborites as the true inheritors of Whiggery. That’s enough geekery from me (until the next time)

  9. Steve F says:

    The most perfect capitalist state

    Ray’s mobilises his best Whig arguments about the state against the Levellers. He says “If you don’t like the examples of USA or France then name your perfect capitalist state! I am all ears”. He thinks the purpose of republican (or Leveller) socialism is to find the “perfect capitalist state”. It is not. But he says in triumph “I am all ears” calling on us to rise to the challenge.

    He only has to listen to himself if he wants to find his most perfect capitalist state. He previously made clear it is neither America nor France. So he focuses instead on Britain. For Ray, Britain is the most perfect capitalist state provided it had a few improvements. These are “control of the executive by the legislature, the end to the crown prerogative (or indeed the crown itself), the abolition of the House of Lords, full representative PR in elections, right of recall, much more frequent fixed-term parliaments, a written constitution and bill of rights, abolition of all the accumulated archaic gunk of the House of Commons traditions”.

    Ray’s vision of the most perfect capitalist state is achieved by a two stage process. First it will be a constitutional monarchy with “the end to the Crown prerogative” etc etc. This is not the end of the Whig improvement scheme. In the next stage of reform, the Crown itself will go! So if Ray is “all ears” he needs to listen to himself answering his own question!!

  10. John Penney says:

    Steve Freeman, how many ” Straw Men” arguments and gross misrepresentations of your opponents arguments can be stuffed into a few paragraphs ? I think you win some sort of booby prize . Now Ray G is supposedly a “Whig” ? Nope, Steve – Ray G is a socialist – with politics which relate to today’s world. You really must catch up with everything that has happened since about 1814.

    What is quite clear – particularly from your extraordinary, eccentric, submission to Conference , supposedly from the “Constitution Commission” , is that your politics contain not a scintilla of socialist analysis. I’m afraid that your petty nationalist bourgeois liberal politics are simply laughably irrelevant in todays era of globalised monopoly capitalism – particularly a monopoly capitalism in profound crisis.. They certainly have no place within an avowed radical socialist party like Left Unity.

  11. Phil Vellender says:

    Dear John P

    Wonderful news, at the dawn of the New Year, to see you have joined the ever growing number of republican socialists. Even more exciting is your report that everyone else in Left Unity (apart from an unknown number of crown agents) also supports republican socialism. However, doubts remain over how complete your Damascene conversion really is.

    Your continuing obsession with “that ‘perfect bourgeois democracy’ the USA (oh yes it is)” indicates that you still have not fully grasped the arguments for democracy at the very heart of republican socialism. Alarmingly, your argument about America is the one used by English royalists to frighten everyone away from democratic republicanism – i.e. ‘look where we’ll end up if we ditch the monarchy’.

    Your second obsession emanates from the inherent conservatism in your rhetorically left-wing defence of the anachronistic 1707 Act of Union and the institution of the monarchy. The deployment of these two elementary, undemocratic arguments, again, suggests the superficial nature of your ‘conversion’. Isn’t this the sort of argument one might suspect issues forth from ‘crown agents’ both inside and outside LU?

    It is still unclear why your republicanism is presented in royalist terms. For example, you reference 1814 when Napoleon was exiled to Elba and the Bourbons restored to the throne of France. Surely, 1819, when democratic and republican ideas were being ruthlessly suppressed by the crown’s forces at Peterloo, is a far more significant date for republican socialists?

    Then perhaps your point about 1814 is not Napoleonic after all, but subconsciously alludes to that notoriously philistine contention of arch-capitalist Henry Ford, that ‘history is bunk’.

    Phil Vellender

  12. Ray G says:


    Well yes Steve F. I did accuse you of being obsessive, geeky and weird. I should not have been personal in my remarks, sorry. In addition, It will be clear to anyone reading your comments above how unfair I was being. You are not obsessive geeky or weird at all, and I don’t know how I came to think that.

  13. Ray G says:

    Oh – just one more thing. I believe it is too late to campaign for a perfect capitalist state. Capitalism had had its turn and it seems about to bring the world to gross levels of inequality that have not been seen for over one hundred years, combined with an impending environmental catastrophe. Britain most certainly is not my idea of a perfect state at the moment, and would still not be if it were a republic or any other kind of capitalist state because it would still be ruled by the ruling class.

    I am interested in a socialist state. That is why I joined Left Unity. Let’s all focus on relieving the ruling class of control of the levers of both state and economic power and usher in a society based of greater equality, justice and full economic and political democracy. Any demand, economic or politicval, that concretely helps us to achieve that is to be supported.Now isn’t that a good idea?

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