No US war on Venezuela

venezuela solidarityLatin American countries are powerfully condemning and opposing President Trump’s military option against Venezuela.  Left Unity joins all those that condemn Trump’s regime change plans, whether by war, economic sanctions or the political intervention that is causing so much destabilisation in Venezuela. We support the following statement from the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign.

“Venezuela’s current difficulties are best resolved by dialogue as a way to peacefully address the problems the nation faces, where all forces renounce violence as a way to achieve political ends.
The means for a regional dialogue under the auspices of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) exist, with the participation of the former Presidents of numerous countries. The Venezuelan government and much of civil society have indicated a willingness to take part in such talks.
Governments internationally, including Britain and the EU, should do all they can to facilitate and support such a dialogue process, constructively engaging with Venezuela, and respecting the democratic decisions of the Venezuelan people.
Instead Trump is introducing unilateral US sanctions against Venezuela, and Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State, has made it clear that he is seeking to oust president Maduro from office.
These sanctions will not help the Venezuelan people, or facilitate dialogue, but exacerbate the country’s difficulties.”

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