National Humiliation for The Patriots in Leeds

On Saturday 10 June a mobilisation for the neo-Nazi Patriots was drowned out by a counter demo in Leeds.

The national mobilisation for the neo-Nazi Patriots was unsuccessful. They attracted only 60 mainly older white males. They were seen to display the Nazi SS skull on a banner earlier alongside union Jacks.

The anti fascist protest organised by Stand up to Racism attracted a diverse crowd of 250. Determined to march, these numbers swelled as people joined the March and many Leeds shoppers applauding and people waving and cheering the March from their flat windows and balconies. At the highpoint the march reached 400.

Encouraged by the Tory and right wing media attacks on refugees, it was clear the Nazi Patriots hoped to exploit the mood. Today was a humiliation for them and the hundreds they hoped for just did not materialise.

We can’t be complacent and need to ensure we work hard to challenge the hostile environment created by the Government that gives space for the extreme right to grow.

The march was the right antidote to the Patriot neo-Nazi poison. Leeds made it clear they are not welcome.

Report by Nick Jones

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