Left Unity trade union caucus hosts public meeting

Meet Stuart Irving from the grassroots National Supply Teachers Network at our online public meeting: 7pm on Wednesday 27th September

This is an important meeting for all trade unionists. Agency working is increasingly used by Schools and colleges to cheapen delivery by cutting pay costs and denying employment rights to staff. It is also prevalent in many employment sectors and some unions are still failing to address its consequences for both agency and core workers. The meeting will also provide a forum for activists to discuss safeguarding and extending agency workers’ rights, pressing unions to do more for agency workers and the self-organisation of agency staff.

Stuart will be talking about the role of the network in supporting and helping to organise agency supply teachers; and resisting employer exploitation. He has been an active union member for 52 years. He has used the Agencies Workers regulations 2010 to recoup nearly £250,000 for supply teachers through ACAS and Employment Tribunals. This year he has trained a volunteer and together they recouped £120,000 and just won a case for £28,000 in holiday pay using the Harpur case as precedent.

Anyone interested in ending low pay and exploitation through agency working should attend. This is an online meeting. Please register here.

To submit an article for the 'Discussion & Debate' section of our website please email it to info@leftunity.org

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End the Genocide in Gaza: Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon at St George’s Plateau (outside Liverpool Lime Street Station)

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