Left Unity’s annual national conference will take place on Saturday 16th June at the Imperial Hotel in London, from 11am to 6pm. The following timetable sets out the deadlines for submissions to conference debate. The conference will also amend and vote on a draft new constitution, proposed by the National Council (NC). All members may attend the conference and observers are welcome. Registration is open here.
24th March: Pre-conference discussion period opens
5th May: Deadline for motions
12th May: Circulation of motions
26th May: Deadline for amendments to motions and to draft constitution
Deadline for composites
9th June: Motions and conference timetable published on website
16th June: Conference – Imperial Hotel, London – Register here
Please submit all motions and amendments to standingorders@leftunity.org
Conference fees: Full rate: £10; unwaged £3; solidarity £25.
A hardship fund will be available in the normal way. Please enquire to info@leftunity.org
Accommodation: please enquire to info@leftunity.org for homestay.
Creche: please enquire to info@leftunity.org
A pooled fare will be operated.
Access: the venue is wheelchair accessible and a hearing loop is available; please contact info@leftunity.org to let us know if this is required, or for any other requirements.
Left Unity Draft Constitution: proposed to conference by the party’s National Council.
Left Unity is a party of the radical left, linked to the European Left Party, working in solidarity with like-minded anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist parties internationally. We are socialist, feminist, environmentalist and opposed to all forms of discrimination.
Left Unity’s policies are decided by annual membership conference and these comprise our detailed positions. The annual membership conference is the sovereign body of the party. Additional policy between conferences is decided by National Council.
Left Unity is a democratic membership-led organisation, based on a one member, one vote system. Postal votes may be requested. Members are required to pay subscriptions, the rates of which are decided by the party’s National Council. Members will support party policies and abide by the decisions of conference and National Council.
Left Unity is committed to making the party and its events accessible to all members and venues for party events and meetings must be accessible. Left Unity National Council, committees and any other bodies should comprise at least 50% women. Where this proves impossible after a repeat ballot, the man with the next highest number of ballots will be deemed elected.
Left Unity members may organise in geographical or workplace branches. A branch will be recognised as such by National Council where a minimum of three members organise and request to be so recognised. Branches are required to conduct their political work in line with party policy, as agreed by annual conference and National Council. Recognised branches may send one rep, agreed by the branch, to National Council.
Left Unity members may organise as a Section where there are common interests e.g. Youth and Student, public sector workers etc. They will conduct their work in line with party policy and act in an advisory and informative role to the party and its leadership .
Left Unity members may organise as a Caucus on the basis of a shared oppression e.g women, disabled members, LGBT, black and ethnic minority members. They will conduct their work in line with party policy and act in an advisory and informative role to the party and its leadership.
Left Unity members may organise in platforms of like-minded members within the party, to articulate a particular position, but they must work publicly within the policy framework agreed by Left Unity conference and National Council.
National Council:
National Council is the elected political leadership of the party, carries out conference decisions, ensures the effective activity of the party between conferences and makes all decisions necessary to advance party policy. It meets every three months.
Its membership comprises the national officers elected by online ballot of the membership, 15 directly elected members elected by online ballot of the membership, a rep from each caucus or section and a rep from each recognised branch.
National Officers:
These are national secretary, treasurer, campaigns officer, media officer, membership officer, trade union officer and nominating officer.
Executive Committee:
Between meetings of the National Council, the Executive Committee will ensure the smooth functioning of the party. It will meet once a month, in person or online. It comprises the officer team and five other members of the National Council as agreed by that body.
Annual Membership Conference:
The annual membership conference is the sovereign body of the party. There will be one per year but the month may vary. All members may participate on a voting basis, and it is also open to observers. The National Council will make all arrangements for the Conference via a Conference Arrangements Committee which will be agreed as a sub-group of the National Council. It may be supplemented by local members. The Conference Arrangements Committee will be responsible for the practical arrangements and functioning of conference. The National Council will agree a subgroup of its members which will act as a Standing Orders Committee, ensuring that submitted motions etc are properly scheduled on an agenda and made available to members in advance. It may be supplemented by other party members as agreed by the National Council.
National Council may decide to have other policy or decision-making conferences during a year, but the annual membership conference is the minimum requirement for party democracy.
Disputes and Discipline:
If party members wish to make a complaint about another member, or party body, they should contact the party’s Disputes Committee.
Where a member is considered to have acted against the interests of the party or engaged in conduct prejudicial to the party, a member or party body will refer their case to the Disputes Committee.
Where either side is unhappy with the decision of the Disputes Committee they make take this to the Appeals Committee. The annual membership conference is the sovereign body for all matters relating to the interests and good name of the party.
Disputes and Appeals Committees:
Each Committee comprises five members and is elected by online ballot of members. Postal ballots are available.
All party committees may devise their own standing orders.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
More details here
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