Kill The Bill Coalition Statement

We, the undersigned groups and organisations, stand in solidarity with all those fighting to #KillTheBill.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is a dangerous and unnecessary piece of legislation that endangers the rights and safety of every single one of us. It is therefore no surprise that those who are working to #KillTheBill have come together from every section of society. We stand united and reject attempts to divide our movement into “good” and “bad” protestors. 

We must be clear: there is no version of this Bill that is tolerable. Whilst we support the many efforts to stop this Bill passing through Parliament, we also call on all groups and organisations to stand unified in demanding nothing less than a complete rejection of the Bill. If we stand together then we can #KillTheBill.

In recent weeks, we have seen the police repeatedly abuse the powers they already have. Giving them more powers will not make us safer. 

The Bill intensifies police brutality against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, and criminalises their way of life. This must go.

The Bill gives the police the power to criminalise protests for being “noisy”, disruptive or “annoying”. This must go. 

The Bill uses ‘protecting’ women as a cover to expand police powers and increase custodial sentences. These measures are not sufficient to prevent violence, and are troubling considering police officers’ implication in cases of violence against women. This must go. 

The Bill expands stop and search powers, which are already regularly used to harass and terrorise young black people. This must go.

The Bill will silence the calls for justice by families of those whose loved ones have died at the hands of the police. This must go. 

The Bill makes those at the sharpest edge of state violence even more unsafe – including migrants, sex workers, Disabled people, and racialised communities. 

We must Kill this Bill. 

The Government’s current majority means that the Bill may pass through the halls of Parliament. That does not mean it will pass through the streets. 

Just as many before us – in history as recent as the anti Poll Tax movement – we know that victories are won in the streets, in our communities and workplaces. People power has already got this Bill delayed. It can also stop it being enforced. 

We, the undersigned, stand together to Kill The Bill in its entirety and with all the tools at our disposal. 

To add your organisation’s name, please fill in this form: 

For any other queries, email: 

Abolitionist Futures 

ACA – Afrikan Caribbean Assembly

Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU)

BASE & Roses

Black Educators Alliance (BEA)

Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK)

Black Lives Matter Cardiff & Vale 

BLM Enfield

BLM Gwent 

BLM Leeds

Brazil Matters

Bristol Defendant Solidarity

Bristol Kurdish Solidarity Network (BKSN)

Bristol Redistro

Bristol Rising Tide

Bristol Sex Workers Collective

Bristol Sisterhood

Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators (CARE)

Community Court Yard

Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) 

Decolonising Economics

Decrim Now: Campaign for Sex Worker Rights

Disabled People Against the Cuts

Docs Not Cops

Easton Cowgirls Football

English Collective of Prostitutes

GAF Dublin

GAF London

Global Women’s Strike 

GRT Community – L, M

Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB)

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK


Justice for Black Lives

Kids of Colour

Kill the Bill Cornwall

Kill the Bill Liverpool

Kurdish Peoples Assembly of Britain

Labour GRT Campaign

Left Book Club

Left Unity Liverpool

Left Unity UK

Legal Action for Women

Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSM)

Liverpool 47 Surcharged Councillors (1983-1987)

Liverpool Sisterhood

London Renters Union

Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network

Migrant Media



No More Exclusions

North West Migrants Forum

Northern Police Monitoring Project

Novara Media

Our Future Now

Oxford Youth Strike

Payday Men’s Network

Plan C

Positive Money

Prisoner Solidarity Network

Queer Strike

Reclaim the Power

Red Pepper

Resistance Lab 

Resisting Anti-Trespass

Resource Justice

Ron Todd Foundation

Save the Northern Meadows

Single Mothers’ Self-Defence

Sisters Uncut

Sisters Uncut Cardiff 

Soas Detainee Support (SDS) 

South Asia Solidarity Group

South London Bartenders Network



The Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC)

The Canary

The World Transformed

Transgender Action Block

Travellers Against Fascism

Tribe Named Athari

Undod Cymru 

United Families & Friends Campaign

United for Black lives

United Voices of the World

University & College Union (UCU)

Wigan Antifascists



Women Against Rape

Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike

Women’s Strike Assembly

Women’s Strike Assembly Cymru

Wretched of the Earth Collective 



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Read the European Left Manifesto  


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