France is protesting long and loud. The yellow jacket protesters in France are not a unified, central movement but one with diverse histories, and aims. However, this list of demands from one group is very interesting:
* Support small businesses in rural areas.
* End the construction of big shopping malls.
* Massive programme of insulation of homes to assist the environment and domestic efficiency.
* Big companies to pay more tax, small businesses to pay less.
* A universal system of social security including all workers and the self employed.
* Pensions to remain in the control of the state.
* End fuel taxes.
* A minimum pension of Euro 1200.
* All elected representatives to earn the median wage, with the right to claim only justifiable expenses.
* All salaries and pensions index linked to inflation.
* Protect French industry, no outsourcing of jobs.
* End casual employment.
* Everyone coming to France to work must have the same salary and employment rights as French workers and their employer must pay taxes at the same level as a French employer.
* Security of employment.
* Limit CDD and CDI. ( different types of contracts of employment)
* End CICE. (CICE is a tax credit – We found this comment: Background. To significantly decrease the cost if labor on medium & low wages and allow Corporate France to garner again market shares worldwide. The French government enacted the CICE tax credit in 2012).
* Funds for development of a French environmentally friendly hydrogen car industry.
* End austerity.
* Chase the 80 million lost by tax fraud.
* Deal with the economic causes of migration.
* Humane treatment for asylum seekers: food, education for their children, we owe them a place to live and security whilst awaiting the outcome of their case.
* A programme of integration: language, history, civic education.
* Euro 15,000 minimum wage
* Creation of jobs for the unemployed.
* Improved conditions for those with disabilities.
* Reduction of rents, good condition accommodation especially for students and precarious workers.
* Prohibition of selling homes to those not domiciled in France.
* All money paid in toll roads to be put back into improving roads, especially road safety.
* An immediate end to the closure of small post offices, local transport, schools and maternity facilities.
* Improve mental health services.
* Introduction of a people referendum into the constitution: if 700,000 signatures a proposal must be discussed, it can be amended by the National Assembly and then submitted to a vote.
* 7 year mandate for president.
* Retirement at 60 for all manual workers
* 55 Macon Desosseur. ( No translation yet)
* Freight to be moved by rail
* End presidential indemnities
Thanks to Ed Bober for translation
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