Responding to news that Tony Blair’s son Euan Blair may stand for parliament in Bootle, Left Unity’s north west organiser Felicity Dowling said:
“Bootle is one of Britain’s poorest areas, hit hard by the bedroom tax. What does Euan Blair know about that? He is nothing but a child of the privileged political classes.
“This is Labour taking people for granted and mark my words, it will not go unopposed. There will have to be a left wing candidate challenging Euan Blair if he is selected.”
Left Unity is currently establishing a branch in Bootle. Local activists plan to hold talks with others on the left to make sure Euan Blair faces a left wing opponent in the election.
Felicity Dowling added: “Euan Blair can’t be allowed to parachute in. We will picket the selection meeting if need be.
“Labour might just discover that this seat isn’t as safe as it thinks.”
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Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 1,900 members and 40 branches across the country.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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I think Euan Blair is just one of several “children” of Labour politicians who are standing in different seats – forming a sort of hereditary “right” to a seat in parliament. Best of luck to any challenger that steps forward
I disagree that LU should picket Labour’s selection meeting. Let’s have Euan Blair as a Labour candidate in Bootle: what better symbol of today’s Labour Party could Left Unity have to run against? Bring it on!
James, unfortunately,there are a lot of people suffering in Bootle.The fact is people dont look at the person they are voting for .They look at the Party.The people of Bootle need support.
I think the choice of a Blair offspring for this seat demonstrates how
out of touch the Labour Party has become.
It’s a bit reflexive to blame the son for the sins (crimes) of the father. What are his positions exactly? If, like Tony Benn, he renounces his privilege, rejects his father’s policies, then surely he may be considered a legitimate candidate. If, however, he’s some kind of stalking horse to rehabilitate Blair the elder, I can see the need for a full-on confrontation.
I don’t know if it will be any use but remember that Euan Blair was found face down in Leicester Square intoxicated some ten, twelve years ago. He then gave a false name to the police. When it was ascertained who he was he was picked up by members of the security services and taken home without charge. It was well documented at the time and his father laughed it off as `one of those things` that happens to young kids.
I have no problem with youngsters getting intoxicated and falling over, such is life, but I do have a problem of giving a false name to the police and it not counting as his Dad was prime minister. If any other British kid did that they would have a criminal record against them.
In fact here is the incident, noting he gave a false name to police:
I think the Selection Meeting should definitely be a site of a protest, but not because of Euan’s parentage. Every Labour Selection meeting should get the same treatment from us, because the Labour Party has for a considerable time parachuted upper class / upper middle class candidates into these meetings in circumstances that effectively excluded any local Labour activists from having a chance. Such is the manipulation of this party and it needs to be exposed as undemocratic in full sight of all local Labour people, so that the more aware among them see LU as the way forward and as proper democrats.
Are you insane…voting for Euan, allowing a Bliar dynasty to flourish via his wealth made as a champagne socialist is an anathema to the true democracy and values of the Labour party. Have you learned nothing from UKIP’ success? The people are angry, furious at having been sold down the river for many years a lot of which happened on Bliar’s political watch as PM! Bliar is possibly the most hated man in Britain and it will come at a costly price if you jettison Euan and unexperienced youth into this election to win via his elite, wealthy, hypocritical, privileged parents! It insults true labour voters as the Bliars are so far removed from labour values that it turns these elections into a farcical circus…NO, NO, NO!
As someone who hopes to stand in Bootle for Labour and realise that it will be difficult for anyone challenging Euan Blair or “Posh candidate” put up as a preferred candidate I have faith that the Labour members of Bootle are not stupid enough to tolerate any undermine ing of their choice of candidate.
I’m not posh- I was brought up on council estates as a single parent fought against loan sharks, drug dealers and domestic violence etc. I’m also a wheelchair user so understand fully the plight of the elderly, disabled and vulnerable being persecuted by the ConDem government. I daily write letters to the DWP for people from all backgrounds, advising them on their rights and the breaches of Human Rights and Job seekers Act. I fight alongside many left Unity members against bedroom tax and National Health Cuts as a member of Unite (although not posh enough for their support) I believe still in the fundamental principals of Labour of “fairness” and didn’t Ed Milliband say as a Party we need to get back to our roots?
So, as a disabled woman I’m counting on the spirit of the North West region to hopefully select me to fight for their rights, their needs and to support them in the battle of fairness, equality of opportunity and to bring much n ended funding ands resources to Bootle, Merseyside and the North west region.
PS Even god backed Liverpool last week as he sent the sun out for the 1million who watched the Giants – wasn’t that just amazing … not a single arrest just a happy, joyous weekend for ALL. Yet again we showed the country who is best and it is definitely NOT London.
Can I make it clear that Euan Blair did NOT apply to be candidate in Bootle, let alone be selected
The process continues and in October, we will make our democratic choice