New left wing party Left Unity is experiencing a flurry of membership enquiries in the wake of Ed Miliband’s speech on immigration today.
Salman Shaheen of Left Unity said:
“It hasn’t been long since the end of Ed Miliband’s speech, but already Labour members are coming to us saying they will not be part of an anti-immigration party.
“We are putting forward a principled position. We are against all forms of racism and we say immigrants are welcome in Britain. Ed Miliband is just pandering to UKIP’s agenda.
“The answer to low wages isn’t to scapegoat immigrants, but to bring in a mandatory living wage for all.
“If Labour won’t stand firm in the face of UKIP then it falls to us to do so. We invite those disgusted by Ed Miliband’s speech to join us and help stop politics moving ever further to the right.”
For more information contact
Notes for editors
1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine
End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel
Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran
Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London
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Very good! A lot of people voted Labour in the EU elections as a way of trying to keep out UKIP and the demonisation of immigrants and are now being rewarded with Ed’s appeasement of UKIP.
In the leaflet the Stockport branch distributed 1,500 copies of, we made the following points about UKIP and racism:
“UKIP tell you cutting immigration will reduce pressure on health, education, housing and welfare, but UKIP’s policy is to cut these anyway!
UKIP says immigration costs ‘British’ jobs, but unemployment has never been caused by immigration. It’s the free market that does not provide enough jobs for all those able and willing to work, but instead creates an artificial scarcity under which more people are looking for work than it is ‘worthwhile’ for capitalists to take on, so their profit rate stays high!
UKIP tell you immigrants lower wage levels, but it is employers – from gangmasters
to large firms – that create low paid jobs and fill them, often without advertising them
publicly. It wasn’t immigrants, but employers, who introduced zero hours contracts!
Beware the political parties that blame Europe and foreigners for most things!”
We stand by those arguments and welcome those who share our views into Left Unity!
The Labour Party’s professional politicians are only interested in one things – re-election! They are prepared to pander to any “movement” in order to be re-elected. The Left needs to bring a purity of purpose to fight this self serving elite, Unity for the cause and Socialism the ideal.
Now there are 7 Labour MPS wanting to meet with Milliband to persaude him to have harder anti-immigration policies. Labour is rushing further to the right in a bid to pre-empt further UKIP inroads intot their vote, because LABOUR IS NO LONGER SOCIALIST!
I just don’t understand Ed Milliband.
The coalition are wide open for criticism, they’re such an easy target It’s almost an open goal and yet Ed seems like a driver without a wheel.
Surely a shift back to the left is an obvious move in light of UKIP’s rise.
The estimated 42,000 disabled deaths within 6 weeks of failing a wca, the workfare slavery and the manipulation of unemployment stats that go with it, the stealth selling of NHS services, the G4S tagging fraud and the continuation of handing public contracts to them, the disgusting underselling of the royal mail, queens speech and fracking, water cannon, the list is almost endless for point scoring, and yet this spineless fop says nothing.
I’m not surprised Labour members are looking for alternatives, the Labour party?? Is there a political equivalent of the trades description act.
I don’t think I will ever get over how disgusted I am with those evil traitors.