The government’s ‘Help to Work’ scheme, which comes into force today, will mean “the return of dole queues reaching down the street”, Left Unity is warning.
Bianca Todd of Left Unity said:
“This plan means 200,000 people who are classified as ‘long-term unemployed’ now have to go to the Jobcentre every day.
“The Jobcentres aren’t big enough! We will see the return of dole queues reaching down the street.
“There’s no understanding from the government of the reality of life on benefits. Many people won’t even be able to afford to travel every day.
“Combined with the threat of ‘workfare’, this is just another way of fiddling the statistics by pushing people off benefits, and leaving them in dire poverty.”
Speakers from Left Unity are available for interview. For more information contact
Notes to editors
Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 1,900 members and 50 branches across the country.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
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Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine
End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel
Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran
Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London
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