Workers have been hit hard by austerity with years of below inflation pay increases and they are now facing a massive rise in the cost of living. This is the highest increase for 30 years and prices on essential foods are even higher than the official 4.5% inflation rate. The figures from December 2021 show: coffee up 70%, pasta up 25%, margarine up 27%. Electricity bills are set to soar by 50%, with transport and petrol rising even more.
Pay has been squeezed for years. The education union NEU estimates that experienced teachers have lost 21% of their salary. Supply teachers report their rates have been slashed by 50-80% since they were privatised and agencies moved in. Key workers in healthcare, education, food and distribution, local government, civil service have been offered a 0% increase. Part-time and low-paid workers struggle to make ends meet, while people in receipt of benefits have seen their payments slashed.
Left Unity calls for an immediate £15 an hour minimum wage for all, which should be strictly enforced and adjusted regularly in line with inflation and housing costs in areas such as London. The state should guarantee a minimum income for all based upon the minimum income calculator (see
Unions are organising – fighting back
Scunthorpe Scaffolders employed by Activo (UK) Ltd are united and have been on strike for weeks in order to get the agreed pay. UNITE has organised lively pickets and is inspiring others to fight. Their slogan: Stick together – Don’t scab – Pay the rate!
This is resulting in victories. The 560 Stagecoach drivers in South Yorkshire in Unite won a 10.7% increase following successful strike action. The United Voices of the World has organised members in Harrods and forced the billionaire luxury produce store to increase restaurant wages from £9 to £11.50 an hour and to pay 100% of the service charge to members. Just Eat takeaway food delivery drivers have been striking against pay cuts in Sheffield since the 6th December and this has become the longest continuous action in this sector. Stuart Delivery saw its profits increase by 80%, then it cut base rate of pay for employees. This cannot be tolerated.
It is clear that we cannot wait for Labour to resolve the cost-of-living crisis. Join a workplace or community union. They can offer support and solidarity – protests, donations, pickets, support and advice.
UVW Security Guards striking at Great Ormond Street Hospital have been served an injunction preventing aspects of their picketing. This is an attack on the right to picket which could become enshrined in law if the Police Bill is passed. Left Unity would repeal all the anti-union laws, which restrict workers’ rights to organise in defence of their wages and conditions. We support a legally enforceable charter of trade union rights, including an unrestricted right to strike. And the anti-austerity movement is regenerating around the cost of living crisis: get involved!
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
More details here
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