
Call to condemn murder of Palestinian teenager

Left wing political party Left Unity is calling on David Cameron to condemn the murder of Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdair Read more »

Three main parties now all support fracking under homes

Left wing political party Left Unity has blasted the “cosy Westminster consensus” on fracking as it emerged that all three main parties are now signed up to the government’s fracking-under-homes proposal. Read more »

Response to Labour plan to cut benefits for young people

With youth unemployment running at 900,000, young people need jobs, not threats Read more »

Response to call for Iraq airstrikes

Left wing political party Left Unity is against US airstrikes or any Western intervention in Iraq. Read more »

Ed Miliband must apologise for Sun picture

Left wing political party Left Unity has branded Ed Miliband’s decision to pose with a copy of the Sun newspaper a “grave act of disrespect” and called for him to apologise. Read more »

Tesco back down on anti-homeless spikes

Activists are declaring victory after a campaign against Tesco forced it to remove anti-homeless spikes from its Regent Street store. Read more »

Birmingham schools: Gove must resign

"These schools, teachers and children are being demonised with not a shred of evidence" Read more »

Queen’s speech response: Call for fracking ban

New left wing party Left Unity has condemned government plans to allow fracking for shale gas under people’s homes – and called instead for a total ban on fracking Read more »

‘Read-in’ at Department for Education against Gove’s curriculum changes

Education activists are to hold a ‘read-in’ at the Department for Education, where they will be reading books Michael Gove plans to remove from the curriculum Read more »

Ed Miliband speech on immigration sparks interest in Left Unity

New left wing party Left Unity is experiencing a flurry of membership enquiries in the wake of Ed Miliband’s speech on immigration today Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine

End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel

Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran

Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London

More details here

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

Broadsheet: Make The Rich Pay

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