
Right to Buy response: we need more social housing not less

Responding to the Tories’ plans to extend ‘right to buy’ to housing association homes, Left Unity’s Felicity Dowling said: “At a time when when we desperately need more social housing, this policy is a disaster. It will take thousands of homes out of social ownership and put them into private hands. “Within a few years […] Read more »

Scrap Trident and end austerity

Responding to the Labour/Tory row about Trident, Left Unity’s Felicity Dowling said: “Labour and the Tories are stabbing each other in the back over Trident – but the truth is they agree on it. “Both parties are committed to spending a huge £100 billion on new nuclear weapons. “We should scrap Trident immediately and use […] Read more »

Ed Miliband should reject Blair’s support

Responding to Tony Blair’s speech today, Left Unity’s Salman Shaheen said: “Ed Miliband says Labour has changed. He says Britain should not have invaded Iraq and that New Labour was too lax on regulating the City. Will he then reject the support of multi-millionaire war criminal Tony Blair? “Like many others, I grew up in […] Read more »

Press conference: Ken Loach in Soho squat to launch Left Unity manifesto

Ken Loach, director of Cathy Come Home, will launch Left Unity’s 2015 manifesto in a Soho squat on Tuesday. Read more »

Former Labour councillor, suspended for voting against cuts, to stand for Left Unity

A former Labour councillor who left the Labour party over its support for cuts has been selected to stand for Left Unity in the general election. Kingsley Abrams, a Labour councillor in Lambeth, south London for seven years, resigned from the party after being suspended for voting against council spending cuts. He is now standing […] Read more »

Free schools: this is the return of Gove

Responding to the Tory announcement on free schools, Felicity Dowling of Left Unity said: “This new free school threat from the Tories shows that the hated and discredited Michael Gove is still pulling the strings. “Free schools are immensely expensive and plant the seeds of privatisation. They are pure Tory ideology, toxic to children’s needs. […] Read more »

Tuition fees: Miliband’s £6,000 is worse than Blair

Responding to Labour’s announcement on tuition fees, Salman Shaheen of Left Unity said: Read more »

ECB is bullying the Greek government

Responding to the European Central Bank’s move against Greece, Left Unity’s Salman Shaheen said: “In refusing to accept Greek government bonds as collateral for lending to commercial banks, the ECB is training its big guns on a defiant Greece. “This is not just an economic move, it is a political one, aimed at bullying a […] Read more »

2 Feb, 10.45am: welcome Greek finance minister at Downing St

Greece’s new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis will get a warm welcome from Left Unity outside Downing Street tomorrow (Monday) from 10.45am. Left Unity members will be holding a banner reading “Greece, we support you” at the gates to the street. Yanis is in London to hold talks with George Osborne at 11 Downing St from […] Read more »

Syriza leaders speak in London

Leaders of Greece’s Syriza will speak at a public meeting in London tomorrow (Wed 28 Jan). Details: Wed 28 Jan, 6.30pm TUC Congress House, 23-28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS Stathis Kouvelakis and Marina Prentoulis from Syriza will be travelling directly from the elections and will give a first hand account of the campaign […] Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

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