
Northampton is in crisis

The bins are over-flowing. The shops are closed. The pot holes fill the roads. Children centres are closing. Libraries are shut. Read more »

Birmgham Lacks Accessible, Affordable Meeting Environments

[Time to end the BLAAME culture] Birmingham Left Unity is making a public call to all community, campaigning and political groups Read more »

The Daily Mail’s eternal shame

David Landau writes: The Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday have the chutzpah to lecture the Labour Party about anti-Semitism Read more »

Councils: Centres of Resistance – the Leeds dimension

The Labour Party with Corbyn as leader is a party of contradictions Read more »

Hundreds take to the streets of Berlin: No More racist Murders – No cover-ups

Five Year neo-Nazi NSU Trial – the fight for justice goes on, reports Nick Jones. Read more »

Hundreds Protest against Fascist Yorkshire Patriots in Leeds

Hundreds of anti -racist and anti -fascist protesters assembled in Leeds to oppose a march organised by the Yorkshire Patriots in Support of Tommy Robinson Read more »

Tommy Robinson Supporters Not Welcome in Leeds

Celebrate and Defend Multicultural Leeds on Saturday 7 July Read more »

Austerity kills – and kills by fire

Grenfell is high on the news agenda as families, survivors and firefighters struggle for justice, writes Felicity Dowling Read more »

Roma, Gypsies and Travellers – a diaspora state persecuted across many nations

As the Italian prime minister begins an attack on the Roma Read more »

Activists working across borders

Anna Gallego is a Spanish activist living and working in Prague. She is a leading member of the Asamblea Abierta de Praga/Marea Granate and the March the 8th Coalition. Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

More details here

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

Broadsheet: Make The Rich Pay

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