
The Sudanese Torment vs. World Neglect!

Moutassim Elharith Eldawi writes: 30 June 1989 was a hot day in Sudan Read more »

¡No Pasaran! Confronting the Rise of the Far-Right

02 March 2019 |  9.30 to 5pm Bloomsbury Central, 235 Shaftesbury Ave, London WC2H 8EP Read more »

Immigration Bill disgrace

“The confusion and abject failure of the Labour Party in opposing the Immigration Bill is a disgrace Read more »

2019 internal elections: nominations

2019 internal elections: nominations Since our party’s last annual elections in March 2018, the world is facing increasing dangers: the election of Bolsonaro in Brazil and the resurgent far-right across Europe; Trump’s attempted coup in Venezuela; the continuing climate catastrophe and the escalating new Cold War. Read more »

No to the US coup in Venezuela

Venezuela’s electorate, and they alone, should choose who is the President of Venezuela, not the President of the United States Read more »

Fundamental change does not begin with Brexit

Left Unity believes Brexit is a danger to the peoples of Britain, a danger politically, economically and socially. Read more »

Press release from Die Linke – Brexit: Mr Corbyn, übernehmen Sie

Die Linke, The Left Party in Germany and member of the European Left Party shows solidarity with Britain’s Left Read more »

Gilet Jaunes Demands

France is protesting long and loud. The yellow jacket protesters in France are not a unified, central movement but one with diverse histories, and aims. Read more »

The murder of Pawel Adamowicz

As thousands have joined marches across Poland in protest at the murder of Pawel Adamowicz, Mayor of Gdansk, Read more »

The Queen Bee is damaged but the hive is still dangerous

Theresa May has been damaged by the extraordinary scale of the parliamentary vote on her Brexit deal. Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

More details here

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Leaflet: Support the Strikes! Defy the anti-union laws!

Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

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