
Greece’s election: solidarity for the struggles ahead

New Democracy, the right-wing party which won Sunday’s election in Greece Read more »

The fatal policies of Fortress Europe

There have been 36,570 documented refugee deaths since 1993 – it’s time for change! Read more »

Far-right fails to win European-wide predominance

The European election results show that the advance of the far-right in Europe has stalled, overall performing little better than at the previous ballot in 2014. Read more »

European elections from a Left perspective

Transform! Europe and its partners offer  a collection of pre-election articles on many EU countries and an interactive map with the polls and results Read more »

Austria: extreme right deceives electorate

Joachim Tischler writes: Last week the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and weekly news magazine Der Spiegel published a story that was later taken up by various international newspapers. Read more »

Climate change, sexual violence, abortion: far-right foregrounds brutal social reaction

The brutal face of hard right and fascist reaction has been vividly on display on the issues of women’ rights and the climate crisis in the past few weeks, writes Phil Hearse Read more »

Searching for Alternatives in Eastern Europe

Hungarian Marxist Tamás Krausz is interviewed by Róbert Nárai Read more »

Brexit and Ireland – the return of the Irish Question

Joseph Healy writes: For most of the 19th century and up until 1920s the Irish Question (or Problem) dominated British politics Read more »

Bailing out Theresa May?

Andrew Burgin writes: During the BBC TV election coverage of the local council elections Read more »

No to the coup: Hands off Venezuela

Left Unity condemns the violent coup attempts in Venezuela and welcomes the solidarity being shown around the world by democratic and progressive forces. Read more »

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto

Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

More details here

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Leaflet: Migration Truth Kit

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