Discussion & Debate

Brexit: Corbyn needs to take an international lead

In 12 weeks on 29 March 2019 the UK will leave the EU unless the article 50 notice is withdrawn or delayed, writes Len Arthur.  Read more »

Samir Amin – in conversation

Walter Baier from Transform Europe interviewed the late, great Samir Amin in September 2017. His words have huge resonance today. Read more »

Take action to stop fracking

Pollution and man-made climate change threaten the very future of the human species, Read more »

What’s the real cause of California’s wildfire disaster?

Things are getting serious, writes Phil Hearse. At least 31 dead and maybe 200 missing. Thousands of homes and businesses burned down. Read more »

EU austerity and the false promises of the Italian government: confronting two adversaries

Recently, the European Commission rejected the Italian draft budget and a confrontation between the EU and Italy is imminent. How should the left react? Read more »

The changing character of the workforce

The British workforce is undergoing tumultuous changes, argues Tom O’Leary. It is important for both economic policy and political strategy to grasp the nature of those changes. Read more »

Bollocks to Brexit- Defend the NHS

The Tories promised £350 million a week extra funding for the NHS, writes Nick Jones. Instead we face privatisation, staffing crisis, cuts and an NHS ripe for a Trump US trade deal. Read more »

Beware Ofsted inspectors bearing gifts

Thousands of teachers will have been stunned by the announcement by Amanda Spielman, chief inspector of schools, that Ofsted intends to downgrade the importance of exam results in assessing schools and colleges, writes Phil Hearse. Read more »

Discussing assisted dying/suicide: a Left Unity contribution to debate

A draft policy statement on assisted dying/suicide, individual autonomy and the freedom to make choices, from Bob Williams-Findlay of the LU Disabled Members Caucus Read more »

An existential threat?

David Landau writes: Are the Jewish People facing an existential threat? Read more »

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Read the European Left Manifesto  


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Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

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