Call to condemn murder of Palestinian teenager

Left wing political party Left Unity is calling on David Cameron to condemn the murder of Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdair – and to acknowledge the large number of Palestinians being killed with far less attention than is paid to Israeli casualties.

Salman Shaheen from Left Unity said: 

“The killing of any innocent civilian is wrong, so I can understand why David Cameron has publicly condemned the deaths of three Israeli settlers.

“But will he publicly condemn the kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdair, the Palestinian teenager who was abducted and killed in East Jerusalem in revenge? Or the 1,400 Palestinian children killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers since 2000?

“If not, then it clearly shows our leaders do not value Palestinian lives as highly as Israeli lives.”

For more information contact or Tom on 07817 024364

Notes for editors

1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.


2 responses to “Call to condemn murder of Palestinian teenager”

  1. Sue Walsgrove says:

    The murder of any innocent teenager should be condemned.

  2. M. Jones says:


    The ironic and crazy part of this is the current condemnation of the savage beating of one of Abu Khdair’s cousins by the Israeli police on the grounds that Tariq Khdair has a US passport and was visiting from Florida. So the Israeli cops get condemned for their normal methods, which the US has never questioned, only because they pick on the wrong person for once and the US Administration was unprepared to do its normal covering job.

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