A Festive Speakers’ Corner! No time for a coal mine

As this Friday’s ‘Speakers’ Corner’ will be the last one for this year – and will take place only 16 days before Christmas Eve!! – let’s make it a BIG Yuletide one!!

As well as some brilliant local speakers, there’ll also be FREE vegan mincepies & sausage rolls on offer.

Now, even David Attenborough accepts that, to save the natural world AND ourselves, there needs to be a MASSIVE global shift away from meat & dairy farming to a diet that’s essentially plant-based.

And, who knows – given the time of year – there may even be a ‘Mystery Speaker’!!

For those not local, there are 2 main ways of getting there:

TRAIN: There’s a train station at Whitehaven. From there, you can bike; or there’s either a No. 2 bus that leaves from opposite Wilko, which drops off near the site; or you can catch a taxi from Morrisons (£6).

CAR: Please car-share wherever possible. The easiest way – whether you’re travelling from the south or the north – is to get onto the A595, signed Whitehaven. Stay on that road until you see a road off, with traffic lights [R., if travelling from the north; or L., if travelling from the south], signed: ‘St. Bees/Sandwith’ – this is Mirehouse Road. Travel along this until you meet the B5345: turn L. onto St. Bees Road; then, almost immediately, take the first R. onto Wilson Pit Road. The coalmine site is on the L., just after West Coast Composting (Wilson Pit Yard).


So…really hope to see you there!


Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.

Read the European Left Manifesto  


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Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

More details here

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