Vote for Independent Left candidates!

Use your vote this Thursday to say No to the Sunak/Starmer great moving right show, and yes to all those candidates who stand up for Gaza, for socialist principles. The wave of socialist independents is unprecedented and they need our support. The stronger their results, the greater chance we have of building a viable left alternative to challenge a right-wing Labour government, that will do next-to-nothing for the working class of this country, and everything to boost capitalism and the war-mongering international agenda of the US.

Jeremy Corbyn is the most well-known independent candidate; it is crucial that he is re-elected to Parliament, so that his powerful voice for peace and justice continues to speak out for the people and for the movement. And there are many other candidates that we can support. Transform has produced a regularly updated Left List of candidates, so please check below and do what you can to help. The same applies to principled candidates from other parties, that have stood with the people of Gaza, and who speak out for socialist values.

This is the first version of the Left List. It has been updated four times since, so please visit the Transform website here, to find your local independent candidate.

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Just Stop Oil – Slow Marches

Slow marches are still legal (so LOW RISK of arrest), and are extremely effective. The plan is to keep up the pressure on this ecocidal government to stop all new fossil fuel licences.

Sign up to slow march

Saturday 6th July: National March for Palestine

National demonstration.

Tell the new government: End the Genocide! Stop Arming Israel: Assemble 12 noon, Russell Square, London

Full details to follow

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