How to win an independent, republican and ecosocialist Wales

As the Independent Commission on the Welsh Constitution reports this week, Left Unity Wales/Undod Chwith Cymru is proud to present this new bilingual book on the fight for independence and ecosocialism in Cymru, thanks to the collective efforts of all their comrades and close supporters. They will be feeding into the debate.

“We don’t have much time to save the planet and humanity and it will only happen if we collectively take control of the process of production. Removing it from the hands of the rich, collectively redistributing power, wealth, and future creativity, and releasing that potential to satisfy all needs, without destroying the planet.

It will require a collective planning process, controlled and accountable to, and by, free and equal citizens, and that, in turn, requires us to address the forms of democracy and government that could deliver this.

Answering the question of how such a radical democratic transformation of control and power can take place in an independent Cymru and internationally, is central to winning organised workers and the electorate to the case for the process of transitioning to ecosocialism.

This is what this pamphlet is about.”

“Nid oes gennym lawer o amser i achub y blaned a’r ddynoliaeth a bydd ond yn digwydd os byddwn gyda’n gilydd yn cymryd rheolaeth o’r broses gynhyrchu. Ei dynnu o ddwylo’r cyfoethog, gan ailddosbarthu p?er, cyfoeth, a chreadigrwydd y dyfodol ar y cyd, a rhyddhau’r potensial hwnnw i fodloni pob angen, heb ddinistrio’r blaned.

Bydd angen proses gynllunio ar y cyd, a reolir ac sy’n atebol i (a gan) ddinasyddion rhydd a chyfartal ac sydd, yn ei dro, yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ni fynd i’r afael â’r mathau o ddemocratiaeth a llywodraeth a allai gyflawni hyn.

Mae ateb y cwestiwn o sut y gellir trawsnewid rheolaeth a ph?er democrataidd mor radical, a goddef, yn ganolog i ennill gweithwyr cyfundrefnol a’r etholwyr yn ehangach i’r achos dros y broses o drosglwyddo i ecososialaeth.

Dyma beth mae’r pamffled hwn yn ymwneud â fe.”

The pamphlet is on sale, priced £5.

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Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine

End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel

Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran

Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London

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