EL launches Platform on Covid-19 crisis

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Covid-19 shows us we need a complete transformation of the economy: sustainable, just and in the hands of the people. Working people have suffered the most from the pandemic, through inadequate health and safety provision, yet they have kept our society functioning, risking their lives, without adequate pay. The disastrous ideological mantra – that only the market could get us out of the economic crisis – has wreaked havoc since the crash of 2008.

Through our Platform the Party of the European Left is proposing an alternative model for Europe: it’s time to go beyond the current model of European integration, to transform Europe’s international role, and to break with the past, abandoning austerity and all the policies that obstruct and prevent a social Europe.

We need massive investment in public services and the creation of a European Health Fund.

We need a new industrial policy with mobility and sustainability at its heart.

We must protect our societies and communities from the extreme right, its xenophobia, nationalism and hate-filled rhetoric

Military spending must be cut and priority given to healthcare and social needs.

We must defend and extend global cooperation.

To achieve this we must fight against all limits on solidarity among countries as we confront the economic crisis. We seek closer cooperation with GUE/NGL, with think tanks like transform!Europe, and with other parties who do not belong to the EL. We also call on all the organisations from the Progressive, Ecological and Leftist Forces, and especially the ones participating in the European Forum, to be prepared to work together to develop a joint progressive response to the current crisis in the interests of the people.

Now’s the time to smash class and gender divides in our society.
Now’s the time for solidarity.
We must protect our future.

***Read the full document in English, French, Spanish and German here***


EN version FR version ES version DE version


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