The Daily Mail’s eternal shame

David Landau writes: The Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday have the chutzpah to lecture the Labour Party about anti-Semitism.  Well you know what they say about people in glass houses.  Let’s see what the Daily Mail has had to say about Jews!

The way stateless Jews from Germany are pouring in from every port of the country is an outrage (Daily Mail 20 August 1938 about Jews fleeing the Nazis)

There landed yesterday at Southampton from the transport Cheshire over 600 so-called refugees, their passages having been paid out of the Lord Mayor’s Fund.  There was scare a hundred of them that by right,  deserved such help, and these were the Englishmen of the party.  The rest were Jews… They fought and jostled for the foremost places on the gangways… When the Relief Committee passed by they hid their gold and fawned and whined and in broken English asked for money for their train fare. (3 February 1900)

And famously their headline supporting Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists – HURRAH FOR THE BLACKSHIRTS.

The Daily Mail is not and never has been a friend of the Jewish people.



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