Statement on Trump visit – the power of protest

By Joseph Healy, Principal Speaker of Left Unity

The announcement by Donald Trump today cancelling his plan to visit the UK next month is to be welcomed. However, contrary to the clearly fake news statement which he put on twitter that the reason was because of the deal to place the embassy in an off site etc was a bad one for the US and one that he would not support, the reason was clearly the power of protest. A hundred years after the suffragettes protested for womens suffrage and won, the prospect of the possibly largest protest in the UK since the anti-Iraq War one was enough to scare off this narcissist who would not be able to cope with resulting bad press.

Left Unity welcomes the decision and supports the statements by the Mayor of London and others that Trump will remain unwelcome in the UK while he pursues his racist, homophobic and misogynistic policies and threatens the peace of the planet. We firmly condemn the statements by Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, deploring the decision and attacking Trump’s critics. Once again this Tory government has clearly indicated which side it is on and it is not that of the British people.

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

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Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Just Stop Oil – Slow Marches

Slow marches are still legal (so LOW RISK of arrest), and are extremely effective. The plan is to keep up the pressure on this ecocidal government to stop all new fossil fuel licences.

Sign up to slow march

Saturday 6th July: National March for Palestine

National demonstration.

Tell the new government: End the Genocide! Stop Arming Israel: Assemble 12 noon, Russell Square, London

Full details to follow

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