Support the NHS Reinstatement Bill

Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity reports

leeds nhsThe Health and Social Care Act 2012 opened up the National Health Service to unprecedented privatisation. Privatisation has soared by 500% with £5.5 billion worth of contracts going to the private sector. The NHS Reinstatement Bill aims to reverse the damaging attempts to undermine the NHS by reinstating the government’s duty to provide the key NHS services throughout England, including hospitals, medical and nursing services, primary care, mental health and community services. The protest in Leeds, called by Leeds Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) had the support of many health campaigners locally and attracted 70 people.

leeds nhs2Sadly, the Bill has received a ‘one line whip’ support for the reading in Parliament on Friday 11th March. This means the Bill may not attract sufficient support. Some Labour MPs have claimed that the Bill would trigger further top down reorganisation. Leeds KONP activists believe this view to be mistaken and that such MPs fail to take into account the permanent reorganisation of the NHS by the awarding of NHS services to businesses. This will end the NHS as we know it and could lead to the introduction of a private health insurance scheme to supplement reduced service provision as companies cut services and put profit before healthcare.

Left Unity Principal Speaker Felicity Dowling adds:

“No confidence in Mr Hunt. Not from the doctors, not from the nurses, not from the midwives, not from the GPs, not from the Consultants, not from the patients, not from the public. As junior doctors express their anger it’s time to stand with them and say: You have sat in this place too long..let us have done with you. Time to go Mr Hunt – and take your book on privatising the NHS with you.”

Left Unity supports The NHS Reinstatement Bill and says: Reset the clock on NHS law – end the internal market and privatisation. Lobby your MPs now.




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