Left Unity has publicly pledged not to clash with other anti-austerity candidates in the general election. For clarity, this is the relevant part of our policy on General Election Strategy passed by the September 2014 National Council.
a) Standing Left Unity candidates in the General Election – key criteria
• We should identify key constituencies where we have a strong local identity e.g. as part of local campaigns, by consulting branches and regions.
• We should avoid standing in Labour/Conservative marginals.
• We should avoid standing against anyone who publicly commits to neither support nor implement a cuts programme.
• We should stand in primarily working class constituencies and where there are low voter turn outs.
• We must consider the cost implications of standing any candidates. Each candidate’s deposit currently costs £500.
• We could stand around a dozen candidates in the general election. We should stand a larger number of candidates in the local elections.
b) Relationships with other left parties and coalitions:
We should try to avoid clashes with other parties of the left. This applies not only to TUSC but also Class War, Respect, CPB, NHA Party and the SLP and others planning to stand and discussions with all these parties including the Green Party should be held to make sure we are not just one of a long list of Left Parties on the ballot paper.
The March Conference decision that: “Left Unity should open discussions with other left groups, coalitions and parties to avoid electoral clashes and move towards electoral pacts – with the initial aim of creating the largest ever left challenge in the 2015 General Election” needs to be taken into account when considering discussions with other parties/groups.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine
End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel
Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran
Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London
More details here
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