999 Convention for the NHS

999 Call for the NHS invites all NHS campaigners, activists, trade unions and concerned citizens to join us in a the 999 Convention for the NHS.

The 999 Convention for the NHS has grown from the 999 People’s March for the NHS. As the march made its way from Jarrow to London, through 23 towns and cities, it united broad layers of the population in defence of the NHS – from trade unionists, councillors, politicians & health activists to pensioners groups, health campaigners and the local community.

However, even after the huge success of the People’s March, NHS campaigning remains localised & fragmented. There are many NHS campaigns and organisations but there is not one united voice. That is now our role – uniting the voice of the people involved in the fight for the NHS.

The “999 Convention for the NHS” in February 2015 is an opportunity to plan & coordinate national days of action in the run up to the General Election, putting the NHS at the centre of political discussion and preparing the ground for the fight beyond the election results. Discussions have taken place with key figures from other organisations including KONP, National Health Action Party, and local NHS campaign groups who have already indicated support.

We want to unite all NHS campaigners and make the ground shake with protests, marches and direct action so the Tories lose and can never harm our NHS again, and other parties to realise that they must not copy or imitate the present coalition policies on NHS privatisation.

We want the energy of the mass public protests in defence of Lewisham and Stafford hospitals, united with the determination & vitality of the 999 marchers, the direct action of UK Uncut and tax avoidance campaigners, occupying banks and blocking bridges to protect the NHS.

The convention will be a chance to discuss the way forward and organise a national campaigning body to continue to defend the NHS whichever party wins the general election.

From the 999 Call for the NHS website. Click here for more and to sign up for the conference.

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Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine

Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing

Stop Arming Israel

Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London

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