Felicity Dowling of Left Unity said:
“Left Unity calls for full long-term social, economic, health and legal support to be made available to all victims of child abuse.
“Abuse is endemic in this society. Men (and a very few women) of all races and some of with high office have been involved. No-one with any responsibility must be excused, not one perpetrator or accomplice.
“Those in public office who have hidden and protected child abuse and abusers must go. This includes the abusers in high places in this country. All networks of support for abuse must be broken.
“This scandal is a further entry to add to Hillsborough and Orgreave in South Yorkshire Police’s annals of failure.
“We call for fully funded children’s services in every local authority with good professional development and trade union representation.
“We call for children’s voices to be heard in all services. The legal processes must be reformed.
“We need a better world for all our children. A better world is possible.”
For more information contact press@leftunity.org
Notes for editors
1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
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Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
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Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine
End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel
Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran
Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London
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Why don’t you organise a protest march in Rotherham regarding crimes against children there? Why not ask the victims to set the agenda and help them organise a popular protest march in Rotherham in a truly bottom-up democratic way?
Just a thought.